In my SAPUI5 Freesstyle frontend I created a search field above a list. In the searchfield handler I’m creating a filter with the provided query.
1 2 | const sQuery = oEvent . getParameter ( "query" ) ;
new Filter ( "firstName" , FilterOperator . Contains , sQuery ) ;
Afterwards I’m binding the filter to my list to trigger the binding refresh. But when debugging the backend handler I noticed the following…
In my CAP on Read handler, the filter gets converted into a V4 compatible filter expression:
oData V4: $filter=contains(firstName,'Max')
As I’m forwarding the request to an external V2 oData API (SuccessFactors) this would not work, as for V2 the following filter syntax is needed:
oData V2: $filter=substringof('Max',firstName) eq true
As I could not find any solution to this problem, I manually passed my filter as custom property to my CAP Service and did a manual select.
Adding the custom property in the frontend in my searchfield handler:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | onSearch : function ( oEvent ) {
if ( oEvent . getParameters ( ) . refreshButtonPressed ) {
this . onRefresh ( ) ;
return ;
let oBindingInfo = this . _oList . getBindingInfo ( "items" ) ;
if ( ! oBindingInfo . parameters ) oBindingInfo . parameters = { } ;
if ( ! oBindingInfo . parameters . custom ) oBindingInfo . parameters . custom = { } ;
if ( oEvent . getParameter ( "query" ) ) {
oBindingInfo . parameters . custom . filter = "%" + oEvent . getParameter ( "query" ) + "%" ;
} else {
oBindingInfo . parameters . custom . filter = undefined
this . _oList . bindItems ( oBindingInfo ) ;
My CAP handler with the filter handling:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | const { Object } = srv . entities
const SF_Srv = await cds . connect . to ( 'SF' )
srv . on ( 'READ' , Object , async req = > {
if ( ! req . _queryOptions . filter ) {
return SF_Srv . tx ( req ) . run ( req . query ) ;
} else {
let input = req . _queryOptions . filter ;
const tx = SF_Srv . transaction ( req ) ;
return await tx . run (
. from ( Object )
. where`firstName like $ { input } or lastName like $ { input } ` )
} )
As alternative you could also add the where condition directly to the query object:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | const { Object } = srv . entities
const SF_Srv = await cds . connect . to ( 'SF' )
srv . on ( 'READ' , Object , async req = > {
if ( req . _query . filter ) {
let { query } = req
let input = req . _queryOptions . filter
if ( ! query . SELECT . where ) query . SELECT [ "where" ] = [ ]
query . SELECT . where . push (
{ ref : [ 'firstName' ] } , 'like' , { val : input } , "or" ,
{ ref : [ 'lastName' ] } , 'like' , { val : input } , "or" ,
{ ref : [ 'object' ] } , 'like' , { val : input } )
return SF_Srv . tx ( req ) . run ( req . query )
} )