Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[JavaScript] ES2023 Array methods

With ES2023 there are some new Array methods that always return a copy of the original array: toReversed, toSorted, toSpliced, with

const people = [
 { name: "Max", age: 19 },
 { name: "Tom", age: 65 },
 { name: "Liz", age: 43 },

// Copying counterpart of the reverse() method
const reversedPeople = people.toReversed()
// [{age: 43, name: "Liz"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}, {age: 19, name: "Max"}]

// Copying version of the sort()
const sortedPeople = people.toSorted((a,b) => a.age - b.age)
// [{age: 19, name: "Max"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}]

// Copying version of the splice() method
const splicedPeople = people.toSpliced(1,1)
// [{age: 19, name: "Max"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}]

// Copying version of using the bracket notation to change the value of a given index
const updatedPeople = people.with(0, { name: "Pat", age: 12})
// [{age: 12, name: "Pat"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}]

[JavaScript] Copy an array of objects to a new array without any object references

The user tim-montague posted a great overview on the different deep copy techniques on stackoverflow:

In my case I had an array of objects which I wanted to copy without reference, therefore I used the option in the middle.

const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myArray))

# Another way using ES6 Syntax
const copy = myArray.map(object => ({ ...object }))

[JavaScript] map an array of objects to return an array of objects

Recently I hat to create an array of objects from another array of objects to change some property names and to enrich it with some values. To iterate over the array I used the map() function. But when trying to return the new object using the brackets {}, the map function instead expects me trying to write a function… Therefore you need to wrap the return object in ()

const aPersons = [{
  id: 1,
  name: 'max'
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'peter'

const aResult = aPersons.map(person => ({ value: person.id, text: person.name, someboolean: true }))

[JavaScript] Arrays

These are my notes while doing the course JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures on https://www.freecodecamp.org. I highly recommend it if you prefer to try things directly rather than watching videos.

Note: In JavaScript arrays are technically a type of object. Therefore arrays are also capable of storing complex objects.

Array functions to manipulate arrays:

/* Modify Array Data with Indexes */
var myArray = [50,40,30];
myArray[0] = 15; // equals [15,40,30]

/* Access Multi-Dimensional Arrays with Indexes */
var myArray = [
  [[10,11,12], 13, 14]
myArray[3]; // equals [[10,11,12], 13, 14]
myArray[3][0]; // equals [10,11,12]
myArray[3][0][1]; // equals 11

/* Manipulate Arrays with push() -> adding to the end */
var myArray = [1,2,3];
myArray.push(4); // myArray is now [1,2,3,4]

/* Manipulate Arrays with pop() -> removing last element */
var threeArr = [1, 4, 6];
var oneDown = threeArr.pop();
console.log(oneDown); // Returns 6
console.log(threeArr); // Returns [1, 4]

/* Manipulate Arrays with shift() -> removing first element */
var myArray = ["Stimpson", "J", ["cat"]];
var removedFromOurArray = myArray.shift();
console.log(removedFromOurArray); // Returns "Stimpson"
console.log(myArray); // Returns ["J", ["cat"]]

/* Manipulate Arrays with unshift() -> adding to the beginning */
var myArray = ["Stimpson", "J", "cat"];
myArray.shift(); // myArray now equals ["J", "cat"]
myArray.unshift("Happy"); // myArray now equals ["Happy", "J", "cat"]

/* Manipulate Arrays with concat() -> combine arrays into a new one without mutating the original arrays. */
var firstArray = [1, 2, 3];
var secondArray = [4, 5, 6];
var thirdArray = firstArray.concat(secondArray); // thirdArray now equals [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
/* Also useable to clone an array (will do a copy by reference!) */
var fourthArray = [].concat(firstArray); // FourthArray now equals [1, 2, 3]

/* Remove & Add Items using splice() -> remove any number of consecutive elements from anywhere in an array. */
/* First parameter: index */
/* Second parameter: number of elements to delete */
let array = ['today', 'was', 'not', 'so', 'great'];
array.splice(2, 2);  // array now equals ['today', 'was', 'great']
/* Third parameter: add elements to the array. Useful for quickly switching out an element, or a set of elements, for another. */
const numbers = [10, 11, 12, 12, 15];
numbers.splice(3, 1, 13, 14); // returns [ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]

/* Sort numbers in an array: array.sort(compareFunction) */ 
arr.sort((a, b) => a-b); // ascending
arr.sort((a, b) => b-a); // descending

Array functions that does not mutate the original array:

/* Copy Array Items Using slice() -> copies or extracts a given number of elements to a new array, leaving the array it is called upon untouched */
let weatherConditions = ['rain', 'snow', 'sleet', 'hail', 'clear'];
let todaysWeather = weatherConditions.slice(1, 3); // todaysWeather equals ['snow', 'sleet'];

/* Copy an Array with the Spread Operator -> allows to easily copy all of an array's elements. Syntax: ... */
let thisArray = [true, true, undefined, false, null];
let thatArray = [...thisArray]; // thatArray equals [true, true, undefined, false, null];

/* Combine Arrays with the Spread Operator */
let fragment = ['to', 'code'];
let sentence = ['learning', ...fragment, 'is', 'fun']; // sentence equals ['learning', 'to', 'code', 'is', 'fun']

/* The reduce() method reduces the array to a single value. It executes a provided function for each value of the array (from left-to-right).*/
/* First parameter: The initialValue, or the previously returned value of the function */
/* Second parameter: The value of the current element */
/* 0 is set as initialValue */
const args = [2, 4, 2];
const arraySum = args.reduce((sum, currentNum) => sum + currentNum, 0); // returns 8 

/* map() iterates over each item in an array and returns a new array containing the results of calling the callback function on each element */
const users = [
  { name: 'John', age: 34 },
  { name: 'Amy', age: 20 },
  { name: 'camperCat', age: 10 }
const names = users.map(user => user.name); // [ 'John', 'Amy', 'camperCat' ]


/* indexOf() checks for the presence of an element -> takes element as parameter. Returns the position (index) or -1 if element does not exist */
let fruits = ['apples', 'pears', 'oranges', 'peaches', 'pears'];
fruits.indexOf('dates'); // returns -1
fruits.indexOf('oranges'); // returns 2
fruits.indexOf('pears'); // returns 1, the first index at which the element exists

/* every() checks if every element passes a particular test */
function checkPositive(arr) {
   return arr.every(num => num > 0); 
checkPositive([1, 2, 3, -4, 5]); // false

/* some() checks if any element passes a particular test. */
function checkPositive(arr) {
  return arr.some(num => num > 0); 
checkPositive([1, 2, 3, -4, 5]); // true

And there are several other build in methods like forEach(), filter(), etc.

Note: As already mentioned, arrays are objects, therefore array functions are methods on the array object prototype, i.e. Array.prototype.push()