Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[nodejs] Create buffer from stream

Using a promise

const streamToBuffer= async () => {
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                const chunks = []
                stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk))
                stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)))
                stream.on("error", err => reject(err))
const buffer = await streamToBuffer()

A stream is also iterable (see here), so you can also use for await...of (example)

        const chunks = []
        for await (const chunk of stream) {
        const buffer = Buffer.concat(chunks)

[CAP] CQL Expand Composition / Deep read

In the documentation they always use a star in string literals like this o => o.`*` to select all fields, but when running this it always failed. However, after some tests I found that this format works with brackets o => o.('*')


entity myEntity: cuid, managed {
    field1          : String;
    comp            : Composition of one myComposition;
aspect myComposition: cuid, managed {
    myCompField: String;
        const result = await SELECT.from(myEntity)
            .columns(e => {
                e.comp(c => c.myCompField) //expand composition, but only select 'myCompField'

Update 14.09.2023: is now fixed (#)

[CAP] CQL Deep Update

A Composition of one can be updated via the Parent Entity, like we would do it, when dealing with an Association to one.

entity myEntity: cuid, managed {
    field1          : String;
    comp            : Composition of one myComposition;

aspect myComposition: cuid, managed {
    myCompField: String;
            const { myEntity } = srv.entities
            const EntityComposition = srv.entities['myEntity.myComposition'] // composition

            srv.after('CREATE', EntityComposition , async (comp, req) => {
                await UPDATE(myEntity, comp.ID)
                      comp : [{ myCompField: 'test' }]

A Composition of many must be updated via the actual Composition Entity.

entity myEntity: cuid, managed {
    field1          : String;
    comp            : Composition to many myComposition;

aspect myComposition: cuid, managed {
    myCompField: String;
    const EntityComposition = srv.entities['myEntity.myComposition'] // composition

    srv.after('CREATE', EntityComposition , async (comp, req) => {
        await UPDATE(EntityComposition, { up__ID: comp.up__ID, ID: comp.ID }).set({ myCompField: 'test' })