Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[SAPUI5] securityTokenAvailable

Just noticed, that with UI5 version 1.119.0 the getSecurityToken() function got replaced with securityTokenAvailable().



// Returns the current security token if available; triggers a request to fetch the security token if it is not available.
const token = this.getModel().getSecurityToken() // Deprecated

// Returns a promise, which will resolve with the security token as soon as it is available.
const token = await this.getModel().securityTokenAvailable()

[ABAP] Progress indicator

SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(flights).

LOOP AT flights INTO DATA(flight).
  cl_progress_indicator=>progress_indicate( i_text               = |Processing flight { flight-connid } as { sy-tabix } / { lines( flights ) }|
                                            i_processed          = sy-tabix
                                            i_total              = lines( flights )
                                            i_output_immediately = abap_true ).

[JavaScript] Regex to check if string only contains the newline escape sequence \n

This is the first time ChatGPT actually helped me to solve a problem. So far the answers have not been so helpful with coding problems, but it seems to work very well with regex. I asked it to create me a regex pattern that checks if a string contains only the newline escape sequence \n and the answer was correct.

const test1 = '\n' //true
const test2 = '\n\n\n\n' //true
const test3 = 'test \n test' //false
const test4 = 'abcdefghij' //false
const test5 = ' ' //false

const myRegex = /^(?:\n)+$/

console.log('test1: ' + myRegex.test(test1))
console.log('test2: ' + myRegex.test(test2))
console.log('test3: ' + myRegex.test(test3))
console.log('test4: ' + myRegex.test(test4))
console.log('test5: ' + myRegex.test(test5))

[nodejs] Extract first page of a PDF using pdf-lib

const { PDFDocument } = require('pdf-lib')

// file = { fileName: 'test1.pdf, content: arraybuffer }     

const originalPdf = await PDFDocument.load(file.content, { ignoreEncryption: true })
const newPdf = await PDFDocument.create()
const [firstPage] = await newPdf.copyPages(originalPdf, [0]) // <-- 0 is the first page
const firstPagePdf = await newPdf.save()

file.content = Buffer.from(firstPagePdf)

[CAP] Multitenant Job Scheduler – Request timeout after 15 seconds

For Jobs running longer than 15 seconds, you have to manually inform the Job Scheduler if your operation succeeded or not. Else, your job will only stay in status COMPLETED/UNKNOWN due to the timeout.

Informing the Job Scheduler about your succeeded operation can be done vie REST API Endpoint Update Job Run Log. You can read more about Long-Running (Async) Jobs here. I therefore wrote a function named updateJobStatus, which I call at the end of every long-running endpoint. It checks if the endpoint is called manually or via Job Scheduler service and updates the Job Run Log using the @sap/jobs-client if required.

const cds = require('@sap/cds')
const LOG = cds.log('JobService')
const xsenv = require("@sap/xsenv")
const JobSchedulerClient = require("@sap/jobs-client")

async function fetchAccessToken(url, creds) {
    const response = await fetch(`${url}/oauth/token`, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=' + creds.uaa.clientid + '&client_secret=' + creds.uaa.clientsecret,
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    return await response.json()

async function getJobscheduler(req) {
    const services = xsenv.getServices({
        jobscheduler: { tags: "jobscheduler" }
    if (!services.jobscheduler) req.reject("no jobscheduler service instance found")

    const subdomain = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') ? req.http.req.authInfo.getSubdomain() : 'customer1' // workaround for local testing
    const domain = `https://${subdomain}.${services.jobscheduler.uaa.uaadomain}`
    const token = await fetchAccessToken(domain, services.jobscheduler)

    const options = {
        baseURL: services.jobscheduler.url,
        token: token.access_token
    return new JobSchedulerClient.Scheduler(options)

async function updateJobStatus(req) {
    const jobId = req.headers['x-sap-job-id']
    const scheduleId = req.headers['x-sap-job-schedule-id']
    const runId = req.headers['x-sap-job-run-id']

    if (!jobId || !scheduleId || !runId) return
    LOG.info('Endpoint is called via Job Scheduler')

    const scheduler = await getJobscheduler(req)

    const payload = {
        jobId: jobId,
        scheduleId: scheduleId,
        runId: runId,
        data: { success: true, message: 'The endpoint has successfully executed the long-running job' }

    scheduler.updateJobRunLog(payload, function (err, result) {
        if (err) return LOG.error('Error updating run log: %s', err)
        //Run log updated successfully
        LOG.info('Run log updated successfully')

module.exports = {