Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] Get service and approuter URLs of your running CAP application in a service handler

In your mta.yaml you can define environment variables, which are filled during deployment. They can be filled with MTA Development and Deployment Parameters. Click here for an overview.

To get the URL of your deployed CAP service, simply use the ${default-url} parameter and pass the value to a variable below the properties attribute, e.g. SRV_URL. The approuter has to provide its default-url, which can then be used in the service for a variable, e.g. APPROUTER_URL.

  # Approuter
  - name: approuter
    type: approuter.nodejs
    path: app/approuter
      - name: app-api 
          app-url: ${default-url}   # <---------------------------- provides approuter url
          app-uri: ${default-uri}   # <---------------------------- provides approuter uri/hostname
          app-protocol: ${protocol} # <---------------------------- provides approuter protocol

  # Business Service Module
  - name: mySrv
    type: nodejs
    path: gen/srv
      - name: app-api # <---------------------------------------- required to access the provided variables of the approuter
      SRV_URL: ${default-url}
      APPROUTER_URL: ~{app-api/app-url}
      SUBSCRIPTION_URL: ~{app-api/app-protocol}://\${tenant_subdomain}-~{app-api/app-uri}

After deployment, you can now access the URL via process.env.SRV_URL in a service handler. During development, simply use the .env file to provide the SRV_URL value.

You can check all the variables via the BTP Cockpit: Subaccount → Space → Select application → User-Provided Variables

[SAPUI5] Add custom header parameter to all oData queries

Simply go to your Component.js file and add this line to the init function:

this.getModel().setHeaders({"myCustomParameter": "test"})

In a CAP Backend, you get this parameter from the express req object, which can be accessed via the req.http property:


And here is a nice code snippet, on how to read this header parameter in an ABAP system: https://answers.sap.com/answers/425621/view.html

[CAP] Select max with group by



entity myEntity {
        key ID: Integer;
        key seqNr: Integer;
        key createdAt: DateTime;

entity myEntityMaxSeqNr 
        as select from myEntity {
            count(seqNr) as maxSeqNr: Integer
        group by 

This can also be done using CQL like here.

[CAP] min and max functions

Since there is nothing in the official CAP documentation about min and max functions, I figured out the following syntax:

    const result1 = await cds.run(`SELECT *, MAX(seqNr) FROM ${myTable} LIMIT 1`) //returns array

    const result2 = await SELECT.one.from(myTable, [`MAX(seqNr)`]).columns('*') //returns object 

    const result3 = await SELECT.one.from(myTable).columns('MAX(seqNr)') //returns object containing only the max counter value

[CAP] Posting form data to a destination using executeHttpRequest

        const { executeHttpRequest } = require('@sap-cloud-sdk/http-client')
        const FormData = require('form-data')

        try {
            //Create payload
            const form = new FormData()
            form.append('file', fileContent, {
                contentType: 'application/pdf'
                filename: 'test.pdf'

            //Create headers
            const headers = {
                'Content-Length': form.getLengthSync(),

            //Send to Destination
            const response = await executeHttpRequest(
                { destinationName: 'TESTINATION' },
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'myApiPath',
                    headers: headers,
                    data: form,
                    responseType: 'arraybuffer' // if you need the response data as buffer to prevent UTF-8 encoding
        } catch (error) {