Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[JavaScript] ES2023 Array methods

With ES2023 there are some new Array methods that always return a copy of the original array: toReversed, toSorted, toSpliced, with

const people = [
 { name: "Max", age: 19 },
 { name: "Tom", age: 65 },
 { name: "Liz", age: 43 },

// Copying counterpart of the reverse() method
const reversedPeople = people.toReversed()
// [{age: 43, name: "Liz"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}, {age: 19, name: "Max"}]

// Copying version of the sort()
const sortedPeople = people.toSorted((a,b) => a.age - b.age)
// [{age: 19, name: "Max"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}]

// Copying version of the splice() method
const splicedPeople = people.toSpliced(1,1)
// [{age: 19, name: "Max"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}]

// Copying version of using the bracket notation to change the value of a given index
const updatedPeople = people.with(0, { name: "Pat", age: 12})
// [{age: 12, name: "Pat"}, {age: 65, name: "Tom"}, {age: 43, name: "Liz"}]

[CAP] Timeout on long-running endpoint

In my application, I have a function that can take quite a long time to process, depending on the data selected. Two external systems were involved in the processing, so a lot of round trips were made. Of course, I tried to parallelize the calls to the external systems as much as possible, but it still took a long time. During the development in BAS everything worked fine, but during the deployment in BTP I encountered some errors, depending on the amount of data selected.

In the console I could see, that it was a 504 Gateway Timeout.

Luckily, the CAP docs are already explaining the possible reason for this. The approuter has a default timeout of 30 seconds for destinations. This matched my observation, that this issue only occurred when deployed.



In my case, the destination for my backend service is configured in the mta.yaml directly on the approuter. By simply adding the timeout property and by increasing the timeout from 30 seconds to 2 minutes, I could get rid of the errors.

  - name: my-approuter
    type: approuter.nodejs
    path: app/approute
      builder: npm-ci
        - "node_modules/"
        - "default-env.json"
        - "manifest*.yml"
      - name: srv-api
        group: destinations
          name: srv-api 
          url: ~{srv-url}
          forwardAuthToken: true
          timeout: 120000 # <--------------------------------- add timeout to your cap service destination
      - name: my-xsuaa
      - name: my-destination
      - name: my-html5-repo-runtime

[SAPUI5] Call function of another controller using EventBus


In the receiving controller you need to subscribe your eventId and function you want to call from the second controller:

// Attaches an event handler to the event with the given identifier on the given event channel            
this.getOwnerComponent().getEventBus().subscribe("Default", "myEventId", () => {

The sending controller has to publish the event to trigger the function call:

// Fires an event using the specified settings and notifies all attached event handlers.
this.getOwnerComponent().getEventBus().publish("Default", "myEventId", {});