Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] Display file content from external resource in Fiori Elements app via an Association

I was having a situation, where I needed to access file content via an association. This led to two problems, one in the backend and one in the frontend.

My data-model.cds looked like this.

entity MainEntity: cuid, managed {
    file            : Association to Files @mandatory  @assert.target;

entity Files : cuid, managed {
    content         : LargeBinary @stream  @Core.MediaType: mediaType  @Core.ContentDisposition.Filename: fileName  @Core.ContentDisposition.Type: 'inline'; 
    mediaType       : String      @Core.IsMediaType: true;
    fileName        : String      @mandatory;
    size            : Integer;

The file content is actually stored in an external system and is only read when the content is explicitly requested, with a call like this:

### Get file content
GET http://localhost:4004/odata/v4/admin/Files({{ID}})/content
Authorization: Basic user:password

For this kind of scenario, I have found the perfect sample code here: https://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-cap-samples/blob/main/media/srv/media-service.js
But in my case, I needed to call the file content via an association like this:

### Get file content via association
GET http://localhost:4004/odata/v4/admin/MainEntity({{ID}})/file/content
Authorization: Basic user:password

This did not work, because in this case, we don’t get the required file ID in the Files handler in req.data.ID (find the reason here), which is needed to read the file from the external system. Therefore, I had to implement the following workaround (line 5-8), which checks from which entity we are coming and is fetching the requested file ID from the DB.

    srv.on('READ', Files, async (req, next) => {
        //if file content is requested, return only file as stream
        if (req.context.req.url.includes('content')) {

            // workaround: when File is requested via Association from MainEntity, as the ID is then not provided directly
            if (req.context.req.url.includes('MainEntity')) {
                req.data.ID = await SELECT.one.from(req.subject).columns('ID')

            const file = await SELECT.from(Files, req.data.ID)
            if (!file) return next() // if file not found, just handover to default handler to get 404 response

            try {
                const stream = await getMyStreamFromExternalSystem(req)
                return [{ value: stream }]
            } catch (err) {
                req.error(`Could not read file content`)

        } else return next() // else delegate to next/default handlers without file content

This way, the file content can now be read directly via File and also via MainEntity following the association.

The next challenge was to display this file content in a Fiori Elements app. This works out of the box, if the file content is called directly from the Files entity, means not over an association. But if the file content is coming via an association, it seems like the Fiori Elements framework is creating an incorrect backend call. It tries to call the mediaType from the MainEntity instead of the Files entity, resulting in a failing odata call, which looks like this
instead of
The only workaround I found was to overwrite the @Core.MediaType annotation coming from the Files entity by setting the mediaType to a hard value in the annotation.yaml of the Fiori Elements App.

annotate service.fileservice@(
    UI.FieldGroup #FileGroup      : {
        $Type: 'UI.FieldGroupType',
        Data : [
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                label: 'Main ID',
                Value: ID,
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                label: 'File ID',
                Value: file.ID,
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                Value: file.content,
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                Value: file.mediaType,
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                Value: file.fileName,
                $Type: 'UI.DataField',
                Value: file.size,
    UI.Facets                     : [
            $Type : 'UI.ReferenceFacet',
            ID    : 'GeneratedFacet2',
            Label : 'File Information',
            Target: '@UI.FieldGroup#FileGroup',

// Workaround as currently display file content via an association in Fiori Elements is incorrectly trying to fetch the media type.
// Therefore add a fix value for the media type. Of course, this only works, if you only expect a specific file type.
annotate service.Files with {
  @Core.MediaType : 'application/pdf'

In the Fiori Elements App it will now be displayed like this and by clicking on the Context, it will successfully load the file from the backend:

[SAPUI5] Promisify an oData request

This is discussed for many years and unfortunately will not be implemented in the UI5 framework itself (see here). There are already different blogs describing how to build a wrapper for oData requests (for example here and here).

But with ES2024 it now got super simple to do this:

async function readData(model, entitySet) {
  const [promise, resolve, reject] = Promise.withResolver( )
  model.read(entitySet, {
    success: data => resolve(data),
    error: error => reject(error)
  return promise

const user = await readData(oDataModel, "/user")

[SAPUI5] securityTokenAvailable

Just noticed, that with UI5 version 1.119.0 the getSecurityToken() function got replaced with securityTokenAvailable().



// Returns the current security token if available; triggers a request to fetch the security token if it is not available.
const token = this.getModel().getSecurityToken() // Deprecated

// Returns a promise, which will resolve with the security token as soon as it is available.
const token = await this.getModel().securityTokenAvailable()

[SAPUI5] Add custom header parameter to all oData queries

Simply go to your Component.js file and add this line to the init function:

this.getModel().setHeaders({"myCustomParameter": "test"})

In a CAP Backend, you get this parameter from the express req object, which can be accessed via the req.http property:


And here is a nice code snippet, on how to read this header parameter in an ABAP system: https://answers.sap.com/answers/425621/view.html

[SAPUI5] Suppress default oData error message / display meaningful error messages

Create a separate ErrorHandler.js file, like it is described here and either do your own error handler implementation, or take the sample from here. To avoid displaying multiple errors at once, follow this chapter.

Thanks to the provided dsag sample, this is takes only a few minutes and improves the user experience a lot!

[SuccessFactors] OData V2 – filter in (VSC Rest-API Client)

When filtering an OData V2 endpoint, you can simply list your values separated by a comma after the keyword in (option 2). Much shorter than having to repeat your filter statement all the time, like in option 1.


### Option 1: Filter userId using OR condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId eq '{{user1}}' or userId eq '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json

### Option 2: Filter userId using IN condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId in '{{user1}}', '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json

[ABAP] OData – GET_STREAM implementation to return a PDF

  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_stream.

* This method get's called when a media file is queried with $value. A binary stream will be returned.

        DATA(file_id) = VALUE zfile_id( it_key_tab[ name = 'file_id' ]-value ).
      CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
        RETURN. " leave here when no file_id provided
    DATA(ls_file) = get_file( file_id ) " read your file you want to return (if it's not yet a binary stream, convert it)

    DATA(ls_stream) = VALUE ty_s_media_resource( value     = ls_file-value
                                                 mime_type = ls_file-mimetype ). " in my case it's 'application/pdf'

    " necessary to display the filename instead of $value in the viewer title
        " create pdf object
        DATA(lo_fp)     = cl_fp=>get_reference( ).
        DATA(lo_pdfobj) = lo_fp->create_pdf_object( connection = 'ADC' ).
        lo_pdfobj->set_document( pdfdata = ls_stream-value ).
        " set title
        lo_pdfobj->set_metadata( VALUE #( title = ls_file-filename ) ).
        lo_pdfobj->execute( ).
        " get pdf with title
        lo_pdfobj->get_document( IMPORTING pdfdata = ls_stream-value ).

      CATCH cx_fp_runtime_internal
            cx_fp_runtime_usage INTO DATA(lo_fpex).

    copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = ls_stream
                      CHANGING  cr_data = er_stream ).

    " necessary for the pdf to be opened inline instead of a download (also sets the filename when downloaded)
    /iwbep/if_mgw_conv_srv_runtime~set_header( VALUE #( name  = 'content-disposition'
                                                        value = |inline; filename={ ls_file-filename }| ) ).


Quick way to open a PDFViewer in your UI5 App:

			const pdfViewer = new PDFViewer()
			pdfViewer.setSource("/sap/opu/odata/ZMY_SEVICE" + my_path + "/$value")  // my_path could be something like this "/PdfSet('file_id')"
			pdfViewer.setTitle("My PDFViewer Title") // title of the popup, not the viewer

[ABAP] OData – Filtering, Sorting, Paging

    " Filter, Sort, Paging
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>filtering( EXPORTING it_select_options = it_filter_select_options
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>orderby(   EXPORTING it_order          = it_order
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>paging(    EXPORTING is_paging         = is_paging
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).