Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[SuccessFactors] Process Trigger

In a Process Trigger, you can get a good overview of an employee who moved from REC, via ONB to EC.

Manage Data -> Search -> Process Trigger

This information can also be fetched via API.

API Entity: ONB2Process

### Process Trigger
GET {{$dotenv sf_api_url}}/odata/v2/ONB2Process('06B129C95FD3482B851018D37B697149')
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv sf_api_auth_base64}}
Accept: application/json

### processTriggerNav, includes rcmCandidateId, rcmApplicationId, rcmJobReqId
GET {{$dotenv sf_api_url}}/odata/v2/ONB2Process('06B129C95FD3482B851018D37B697149')
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv sf_api_auth_base64}}
Accept: application/json

[SuccessFactors] OData V2 – filter in (VSC Rest-API Client)

When filtering an OData V2 endpoint, you can simply list your values separated by a comma after the keyword in (option 2). Much shorter than having to repeat your filter statement all the time, like in option 1.


### Option 1: Filter userId using OR condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId eq '{{user1}}' or userId eq '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json

### Option 2: Filter userId using IN condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId in '{{user1}}', '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json

[SuccessFactors] Check if IAS is activated for a tenant

Go to Upgrade Center, select Platform in the Filter By Dropdown. In the Optional Upgrades Column, search for:

Initiate the SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication Service Integration

If the entry exists, IAS is not yet set up. If it does not exist, the IAS configuration is probably already done.

[Cloud Identity Services] Assign SuccessFactors user to IAS group via transformation

Source System: SuccessFactors
Target System: Identity Authentication

When using ias.api.version 1


                "condition": "$.emails[0].value =~ /.*@abc.com.*/",
                "constant": "DEV_IDP1",
                "targetPath": "$.groups[0].value"
                "condition": "$.emails[0].value =~ /.*@def.com.*/",
                "constant": "DEV_AzureAD",
                "targetPath": "$.groups[1].value"

When using ias.api.version 2


            "condition":"($.emails EMPTY false)",

[CAP] Dynamically set destination in package.json for an external connection

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "sfsf": {
        "kind": "odata-v2",
        "credentials": {
          "destination": "<set during runtime>",
          "path": "/odata/v2",
          "requestTimeout": 18000000
   * Handover query to some external SF OData Service to fecth the requested data
  srv.on("READ", Whatever, async req => {

        const sf_api_def = cds.env.requires['sfsf'] //defined in package.json

        sf_api_def.credentials.destination = "myDestinationName" //set your Destination name, could come from a customizing table

        const sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to(sf_api_def)

        return await sfsfSrv.run(req.query)

[BTP] Create sap-successfactors-extensibility service providing a technicalUser

Prerequisite, you have registered an SAP SuccessFactors system in your Global Account (see here). Creating the sap-successfactors-extensibility service can be done via command line:

#Created the service instance
#An HTTP destination on a subaccount level with the same name as the service instance name is automatically generated
cf create-service sap-successfactors-extensibility api-access myInstanceName -c '{"systemName": "SFCPART000000","technicalUser": "sfadmin"}'

#Bind the instance to an application
cf bind-service myApp-srv myInstanceName 

Find an explanation of the parameters here: https://help.sap.com/docs/btp/sap-business-technology-platform/authentication-type-json-file

This service instance will result in creating:

  • a separate OAuth2 client application on SFSF side (can find in SF in Manage OAuth2 Client Applications)
  • a separate destination definition on a BTP sub-account level

The technicalUser parameter can be specified only during creation. There is no possibility to provide it afterwards using cf update-service. It may be possible to manually update the technicalUser in the destination, which got automatically created. But I did not test this yet.

Of course, the same service creation can also be done via mta.yaml.

  # SuccessFactors Extensibility Service
  - name: myInstanceName 
    type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
    #type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
      service: sap-successfactors-extensibility
      service-plan: api-access
        systemName: SFCPART000000 # <-- Provide your system name
        technicalUser: sfadmin

For initial deployment, you need the line type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service. For all further deployments, you have to comment that line out and comment in the next line type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service. Else you will receive an error. Read more about that behavior here:https://github.com/SAP-samples/successfactors-extension-calculate-employee-seniority/issues/2

[CAP] Check if User exists in SuccessFactors

To check if a record exists, you can simply use the HEAD query.

“HEAD is almost identical to GET, but without the response body.” (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp)

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in CAP for a HEAD query, so simply use send with method HEAD.

    sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to('sfsf')

    try {
        await sfsfSrv.send('HEAD', `/User('${userId}')`)
        return true  // status 200
    } catch (err) {
        return false // status 404