Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] Dynamically set destination in package.json for an external connection

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "sfsf": {
        "kind": "odata-v2",
        "credentials": {
          "destination": "<set during runtime>",
          "path": "/odata/v2",
          "requestTimeout": 18000000
   * Handover query to some external SF OData Service to fecth the requested data
  srv.on("READ", Whatever, async req => {

        const sf_api_def = cds.env.requires['sfsf'] //defined in package.json

        sf_api_def.credentials.destination = "myDestinationName" //set your Destination name, could come from a customizing table

        const sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to(sf_api_def)

        return await sfsfSrv.run(req.query)

[CAP] Check if User exists in SuccessFactors

To check if a record exists, you can simply use the HEAD query.

“HEAD is almost identical to GET, but without the response body.” (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp)

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in CAP for a HEAD query, so simply use send with method HEAD.

    sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to('sfsf')

    try {
        await sfsfSrv.send('HEAD', `/User('${userId}')`)
        return true  // status 200
    } catch (err) {
        return false // status 404

[CAP] Invoke custom handlers when querying local entity

const cds = require('@sap/cds');

module.exports = async srv => {

     const { Objects } = srv.entities // entities from myService.cds
     srv.on("myAction", async req => {
        const query = SELECT.one.from(Objects).where({ id: req.data.myId })
        const srv = await cds.connect.to('myService')
        const data = await srv.run(query)
        return data

    srv.on("READ", Objects, async req => {
        console.log("Objects called")
        // Select data from db or forward query to external system
        // ...
        // return data


[CAP] Query teamMembersSize from SuccessFactors

const sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to('sfsf')

// Option 1: Query Notation
const response = await sfsfSrv.run(SELECT`teamMembersSize`.from`User`.where`userId = ${req.user.id}`)
console.log("option 1: " + response[0].teamMembersSize)

// Option 2: HTTP method-style
const response2 =  await sfsfSrv.get(`/User('${req.user.id}')/teamMembersSize/$value`)
console.log("option 2: " + response2)