Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] Using a Tree in SAPUI5 Freestyle app

The following Links helped me implementing the tree functionality:



Define the data model in data-model.cds

entity Node {
    key NodeID         : Integer;
        HierarchyLevel : Integer;
        ParentNodeID   : Integer;
        Description    : String;
        drillState     : String;

Create testdata in my.test-Node.csv


and deploy the testdata to your local sql db

cds deploy --to sqlite:db/test.db

Service Definition in test-service.cds

using my.test as db from '../db/data-model';

service testService {
     entity Nodes as projection on db.Node;

add the Tree controll to your Fiori UI view Tree.view.xml

		    items="{path: '/Nodes',
				    parameters : {
		                countMode: 'Inline',
                        numberOfExpandedLevels: 3, 
                        treeAnnotationProperties: { 
                                                    hierarchyLevelFor : 'HierarchyLevel', 
                                                    hierarchyNodeFor : 'NodeID', 
                                                    hierarchyParentNodeFor : 'ParentNodeID', 
                                                    hierarchyDrillStateFor : 'drillState' 
			<StandardTreeItem title="{Description}"/>

The output should be similar to this:

[SAPUI5] Filter on Model read

this.getModel().read("/Object", {
                filters: [
                    new Filter({
                        path: "firstName",
                        operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
                        value1: "Max"
                    new Filter({
                        path: "lastName",
                        operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
                        value1: "Mustermann"
                success: oData => { },
                error: err => { }

[nodejs] read and write a file



        const fs = require("fs")

        try {
            // read from local folder
            const localPDF = fs.readFileSync('PDFs/myFile.pdf')

            //write back to local folder
            fs.writeFileSync('PDFs/writtenBack.pdf', localPDF )

        } catch (err) {

Converting to Base64

        try {
            // read from local folder
            const localPDF = fs.readFileSync('PDFs/myFile.pdf')
            const localBase64 = localPDF.toString('base64')

            //write back to local folder
            fs.writeFileSync(`PDFs/writtenBack.pdf`, localBase64, {encoding: 'base64'})

        } catch (err) {

Reading and writing using streams with pipe

        //read and write local file
        const reader = fs.createReadStream("PDFs/myFile.pdf")
        const writer = fs.createWriteStream('PDFs/writtenBack.pdf');

[SAPUI5] Binding with filter on XML View


There are two ways to use a filter.

Option 1:

				path: '/myItems',
				parameters : {
				  $filter : 'itemName eq \'myItemName\'',
				  $orderby : 'createdAt desc'

Option 2:

				path: '/myItems',
				parameters : {
				  $orderby : 'createdAt desc'
				filters : {                                     
				  path : 'itemName ',
				  operator : 'EQ',
				  value1 : 'myItemName'

[SAPUI5] Toogle Dark mode from Shell Header

There are several different types of buttons you can add to the Shell Header: https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/sdk/#/api/sap.ushell.renderers.fiori2.Renderer%23methods/Summary
For my test I choose the “addHeaderEndItem” Button. Add the fowlloing logic in the Component.js file to create the button and the logic for switching the theme:

		_addHeaderButton: function () {
			const oRenderer = sap.ushell.Container.getRenderer("fiori2");
			oRenderer.addHeaderEndItem("sap.ushell.ui.shell.ShellHeadItem", {
				id: "toogleTheme",
				icon: "sap-icon://circle-task-2",
				visible: "{device>/orientation/landscape}",
				tooltip: "Switch Theme",
				press: (oEvent) => {
					const toogleButton = oEvent.getSource();
					if (toogleButton.getIcon() === "sap-icon://circle-task-2") {
					} else {
			}, true);

Afterwars you need call the method in the init() function of the component. No reload the app and you will find the new button in the top right corner. Pressing will switch the theme to dark or back to light theme.

[Docker] OCI runtime create failed on Ubuntu 18.04.

Yesterday after rebooting my Server running Ubuntu 18.04. I couldn’t run most of my Docker Container. Strangely, some worked and some did not. If not I always got some OCI runtime error messages:

$ docker-compose up -d
ts3_teamspeak_1 is up-to-date
Creating ts3_teamspeak-db_1 ... error

ERROR: for ts3_teamspeak-db_1  Cannot start service teamspeak-db: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:402: getting the final child's pid from pipe caused: EOF: unknown

After googling a bit, I found the solution. I did an apt upgrade before rebooting and my Docker version was updated to v5.20. And it seems that Ubuntu 18.04. and Docker v5.20 are not working well together. Therefore I had to downgrade docker to v5.18. Find more here.

 apt install docker-ce=5:18.09.1~3-0~ubuntu-bionic
 apt install containerd.io=1.2.2-1

[Proxmox] Installing Home Assistant

You can install Home Assistant (HA) as LXC or VM on Proxmox. Or even put HA as docker container on top of a LXC or VM, but passing through hardware (like ConBee II) will become much more complicated. There a many installation guides i.e.
and there are few scripts which automate the installing process. Unfortunately some of them doesn’t work anymore for PVE 7 i.e.

The only script that is working (while writing this) is this one https://github.com/tteck/proxmox_haos_vm which is possibly a fork from the previous script from whiskerz007.