Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[Home Assistant] Conbee II Firmware Update

The firmware update is done in just a few minutes. Connect the Conbee II to your PC, install the deCONZ software, download the latest firmware and use the command line tool to flash it.

Guide: https://github.com/dresden-elektronik/deconz-rest-plugin/wiki/Update-deCONZ-manually#update-in-ubuntu-or-debian

deCONZ: http://deconz.dresden-elektronik.de/ubuntu/stable/

Firmware: http://deconz.dresden-elektronik.de/deconz-firmware/

[Proxmox] Installing Home Assistant

You can install Home Assistant (HA) as LXC or VM on Proxmox. Or even put HA as docker container on top of a LXC or VM, but passing through hardware (like ConBee II) will become much more complicated. There a many installation guides i.e.
and there are few scripts which automate the installing process. Unfortunately some of them doesn’t work anymore for PVE 7 i.e.

The only script that is working (while writing this) is this one https://github.com/tteck/proxmox_haos_vm which may be a fork of whiskerz007’s previous script.