Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[macOS] Homebrew & Neofetch

First install Hoembrew, a package manager for macOS.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

With this package manager installed, further software installation is pretty easy. For Neofetch just use:

brew install neofetch

[Linux Mint] Install PyWal on Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon

“Pywal is a tool that generates a color palette from the dominant colors in an image. It then applies the colors system-wide and on-the-fly in all of your favourite programs.”
For the installation, look at GitHub. In my case, I had to run the following command:

sudo apt purge python3-pip && sudo apt install --install-recommends python3-pip && pip3 install pywal

To get an overview of your PyWal installation, run:

pip3 show pywal

Test it with:

wal -v

If it returns “zsh: command not found: pywal” you have to add the PIP install directory to your path

export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin/"

To use PyWal, just run it with wal -i and the path to an image.

wal -i /path/to/image.jpg

[Linux Mint] Install Polybar on Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon

Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-data libcairo2-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev pkg-config python-xcbgen xcb-proto libxcb-xrm-dev i3-wm libasound2-dev libmpdclient-dev libiw-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpulse-dev

Clone Polybar repo:

git clone

Build Polybar:

cd polybar && ./

During the installtion choose “install example configuration” and you will find it here:


Testrun the example configuration with the following command (the bar in this config is called “example”):

polybar example

Further configuration options can be found on their GitHub page.

[Shell] Zsh + Oh My Zsh + Powerlevel10k

Install Zsh (Shell)

sudo apt install zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)

Logout and login back again to use your new default shell.

echo $SHELL

Expected result: /bin/zsh

Install Oh My Zsh (Zsh framework with tools and themes)

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

In addition I installed the Powerline Fonts:

apt-get install fonts-powerline

Restart your terminal to launch the Oh My Zsh configuration.
After the installation and configuration I usually add “neofetch | lolcat” at the end of my zsh config: ~/.zshrc

Install Powerlevel10K (Powerlevel10k is a theme for ZSH)

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

Set ZSH_THEME=powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k in your ~/.zshrc.

I also installed the patched Meslo Nerd Font and set it as terminal font. Else some icons will not be displayed in Powerlevel10k.
Restart your terminal and go through the configuration steps. The result will look similar to this:

Or like this:

Next you could install a Zsh plugin like:

Or check the OMZ Cheatsheet:

[ZFS] Encryption

Native encryption in ZFS is supported since version 0.8.0. Check your current ZFS version with:

modinfo zfs                           

First activate the encryption feature on your pool:

zpool set feature@encryption=enabled pool_name

To get an overview of all pools with enabled encryption use the following command:

zpool get all | grep encryption

To create a new encrypted dataset with a passphrase:

zfs create -o encryption=aes-256-gcm -o keyformat=passphrase pool_name/dataset_name

Check the keystatus, the current encryption type and the mountpoint with the following commands:

zfs get keystatus pool_name/dataset_name
zfs get encryption pool_name/dataset_name
zfs list pool_name/dataset_name

Change the passphrase with:

zfs change-key pool_name/dataset_name

After a reboot you first have to load your key and then mount your dataset:

zfs load-key pool_name/dataset_name
zfs mount pool_name/dataset_name

Unmount and unload your key:

zfs umount pool_name/dataset_name
zfs unload-key pool_name/dataset_name

If you are sharing this dataset via NFS, it could be necessary to restart the NFS service after mounting. I just deactivate and activate again NFS on the dataset.

zfs set sharenfs=off pool_name/dataset_name
zfs set sharenfs=on pool_name/dataset_name

[Fiori] Send notification mail if workitem is forwarded in MyInbox

Workitem function modules

If you forward a workitem manually from the MyInbox or via function module SAP_WAPI_FORWARD_WORKITEM, the function module SWW_WI_FORWARD will be called. There the SAP implemented a BAdI call of the BAdI WF_WI_FORWARD.


The BAdI provides a method to add additional checks, when forwarding a workitem. I will use it, to send notification mails.

BAdI Filter

Create your own BAdI implementation and add a task id as filter. In my case it’s the task TS21500003 of the leave request approval workflow.
Now your implementation will only be called, if this specific workitem is forwarded. Now we implement the method CHECK_BEFORE_FORWARD. The method has enough parameters to get all necessary information to enrich the mail text.


First the workitem container is read out of the context. There we get the _WI_OBJECT_ID element, which contains the request object reference. With this information we are able to get the current request object out of the workflow. I pass this into antother class where I already have a mail sending implementation.

  METHOD if_ex_wf_wi_workitem~check_before_forward.
* This BAdI implementation is used to send an info mail when a workitem is forwarded.


        "Get workitem container and requestId
        DATA(container) = im_workitem_context->get_wi_container( ).

        container->get_value_ref( EXPORTING name       = |_WI_OBJECT_ID|
                                  IMPORTING value_ref  = DATA(lr_req_id) ).

        ASSIGN lr_req_id->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lpor>).

        "Get current request object
        DATA(lo_req) = NEW cl_pt_req_wf_attribs( )->bi_persistent~find_by_lpor( lpor = <lpor> ).

        "Send an info mail to each new agent (should be only one)
        LOOP AT im_table_new_agents INTO DATA(new_agent).
          zcl_hcm_leave_request_assist=>send_mail( io_req         = CAST cl_pt_req_wf_attribs( lo_req )
                                                   iv_tdname      = mc_mailtext
                                                   iv_pernr       = cl_hcmfab_employee_api=>get_instance( )->get_employeenumber_from_user( iv_user = new_agent-objid ) ).

      CATCH cx_hcmfab_common.
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found.
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container.
        "In error case, do nothing. The workitem should still be forwarded.

    "Write Info to WF Log
    MESSAGE s001(00) WITH |Forward: Mail { mc_mailtext }| INTO DATA(lv_message).
    im_workitem_context->set_message_to_log( im_function = CONV #( lv_message )         "max char30
                                             im_message = VALUE #( msgid = sy-msgid
                                                                   msgty = sy-msgty
                                                                   msgno = sy-msgno
                                                                   msgv1 = sy-msgv1 ) ).

At the end I’m writing a little notification in the workflow log. The workitem context provides the method set_message_to_log for this. The log will look like this.

[ABAP] Access leave request attributes

cl_pt_req_badi=>get_request( EXPORTING im_req_id  = request_id
                             IMPORTING ex_request = DATA(request) ).

request->get_all_attribs( IMPORTING ex_attribs_struc = DATA(req_attribs) ).

DATA(req_begda) = req_attribs-version-item_tab[ 10 ]-value.

Take a look in the item_tab to see the specific request values.

[ABAP] Add custom message in workflow log

In a function exit of a workflow task, you can copy the sample coding out of class CL_SWH_WORKITEM_EXIT_LOG to append a custom message

METHOD if_swf_ifs_workitem_exit~event_raised .
  DATA: ls_msg TYPE swr_mstruc.
  DATA: ls_por TYPE sibflporb.
  DATA: l_cnt TYPE REF TO if_swf_ifs_parameter_container.

  me->m_ctx = im_workitem_context.
  IF im_event_name EQ swrco_event_after_creation.
    ls_msg-msgid = 'SWH'.
    ls_msg-msgty = 'S'.
    ls_msg-msgno = '100'.
    ls_msg-msgv1 = 'CL_SWH_WORKITM_EXIT_LOG'.
    ls_msg-msgv2 = 'swrco_event_after_creation'.
    l_cnt = m_ctx->get_wi_container( ).
        CALL METHOD l_cnt->get
            name  = swrco_wi_leading_object
            value = ls_por.
        CALL METHOD m_ctx->set_message_to_log
            im_message    = ls_msg
            im_object_por = ls_por.
      CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .

But to add a message in general, only the workitem context is needed. If you got the context, just use method set_message_to_log.

* context type: im_workitem_context TYPE REF TO if_wapi_workitem_context   

" text in im_function will be displayed in workitem log (max char30),
" message in im_message will give further information when clicking on the traffic light (max char 70).
im_workitem_context->set_message_to_log( im_function = |Forward: Mail { var }|
                                         im_message = VALUE #( msgid = '00'
                                                               msgty = 'S'
                                                               msgno = '000'
                                                               msgv1 = |var 1|
                                                               msgv2 = |var 2| ) ).
* In some cases "COMMIT WORK" is needed.

You’ll find the log entry in workitem flog view: