Since CDS 5.9.2 this is the quickest way of creating and deploying the bookshop sample:
cds init bookshop
cd bookshop
cds add samples
cds add hana
cds add xsuaa
cds add mta
npm install
mbt build
cf deploy mta_archives/bookshop_1.0.0.mtar
Since CDS 5.9.2 this is the quickest way of creating and deploying the bookshop sample:
cds init bookshop
cd bookshop
cds add samples
cds add hana
cds add xsuaa
cds add mta
npm install
mbt build
cf deploy mta_archives/bookshop_1.0.0.mtar
Somehow I always forget the syntax for this….
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_test.
TYPES: my_new_field TYPE string,
END OF ty_test.
const { getDestination } = require("@sap-cloud-sdk/connectivity")
const myDestination= await getDestination("myDestination")
if (myDestination === null) throw Error(`Destination "myDestination" not found`)
for (let key in myDestination) {
console.log(key, myDestination[key])
If the default port 4004 is already open and you want to see what is bound to it, select View -> Find Command -> Ports Preview
Solution to kill another “watch.js” process using/blocking the port:
To archive the same in a single command use:
lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep watch.js | awk '{print $2}')
As alternative, change the default port by adding a new port in package.json to the start script, for example: “start”: “cds run –port 4003” and use npm run start instead of cds watch.
Update 20.02.2023: Just had the problem again due to a VPN disconnect. But this time I had an application running using cds run
. Therefore, I had to change the command from watch.js
to cds.js
lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep cds.js | awk '{print $2}')
Update 10.05.2023: A better approach seems to be killing the node process. This should work in both situation.
lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep node | awk '{print $2}')
Update 29.02.2024: With the BAS migration to Code – OSS the previous commands were not working anymore, but this new command seems to work:
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep cds.js | awk '{print $2}')
# or
kill -9 $(ps aux | grep cds-dk | awk '{print $2}')
const sfsfSrv = await'sfsf')
// Option 1: Query Notation
const response = await`teamMembersSize`.from`User`.where`userId = ${}`)
console.log("option 1: " + response[0].teamMembersSize)
// Option 2: HTTP method-style
const response2 = await sfsfSrv.get(`/User('${}')/teamMembersSize/$value`)
console.log("option 2: " + response2)
An easy way to test your approuter is using the user-api-service. For that add the following route to your xs-app.json
"source": "^/user-api(.*)",
"target": "$1",
"service": "sap-approuter-userapi"
And after deployment, open the application router URL and add /user-api/currentUser
to it. You should see your Email and other User details. This is testing that the application router is actually getting the security token from the UAA instance.
In my SAPUI5 Freesstyle frontend I created a search field above a list. In the searchfield handler I’m creating a filter with the provided query.
const sQuery = oEvent.getParameter("query");
new Filter("firstName", FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery);
Afterwards I’m binding the filter to my list to trigger the binding refresh. But when debugging the backend handler I noticed the following…
In my CAP on Read handler, the filter gets converted into a V4 compatible filter expression:
oData V4: $filter=contains(firstName,'Max')
As I’m forwarding the request to an external V2 oData API (SuccessFactors) this would not work, as for V2 the following filter syntax is needed:
oData V2: $filter=substringof('Max',firstName) eq true
As I could not find any solution to this problem, I manually passed my filter as custom property to my CAP Service and did a manual select.
Adding the custom property in the frontend in my searchfield handler:
onSearch: function (oEvent) {
if (oEvent.getParameters().refreshButtonPressed) {
let oBindingInfo = this._oList.getBindingInfo("items");
if (!oBindingInfo.parameters) oBindingInfo.parameters = {};
if (!oBindingInfo.parameters.custom) oBindingInfo.parameters.custom = {};
if (oEvent.getParameter("query")) {
oBindingInfo.parameters.custom.filter = "%" + oEvent.getParameter("query") + "%";
} else {
oBindingInfo.parameters.custom.filter = undefined
My CAP handler with the filter handling:
const { Object } = srv.entities
const SF_Srv = await'SF')
srv.on('READ', Object, async req => {
if (!req._queryOptions.filter) {
// share request context with the external service
return SF_Srv.tx(req).run(req.query);
} else {
//if filter provided, build manually a select statement using a where condition
let input = req._queryOptions.filter;
const tx = SF_Srv.transaction(req);
return await
.where`firstName like ${input} or lastName like ${input}`)
As alternative you could also add the where condition directly to the query object:
const { Object } = srv.entities
const SF_Srv = await'SF')
srv.on('READ', Object, async req => {
if (req._query.filter) {
//if filter provided, build manually a select statement using a where condition
let { query } = req
let input = req._queryOptions.filter
if (!query.SELECT.where) query.SELECT["where"] = []
{ ref: ['firstName'] }, 'like', { val: input }, "or",
{ ref: ['lastName'] }, 'like', { val: input }, "or",
{ ref: ['object'] }, 'like', { val: input })
// share request context with the external service
return SF_Srv.tx(req).run(req.query)
The following Links helped me implementing the tree functionality:
Define the data model in data-model.cds
entity Node {
key NodeID : Integer;
HierarchyLevel : Integer;
ParentNodeID : Integer;
Description : String;
drillState : String;
Create testdata in my.test-Node.csv
and deploy the testdata to your local sql db
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/test.db
Service Definition in test-service.cds
using my.test as db from '../db/data-model';
service testService {
entity Nodes as projection on db.Node;
add the Tree controll to your Fiori UI view Tree.view.xml
items="{path: '/Nodes',
parameters : {
countMode: 'Inline',
numberOfExpandedLevels: 3,
treeAnnotationProperties: {
hierarchyLevelFor : 'HierarchyLevel',
hierarchyNodeFor : 'NodeID',
hierarchyParentNodeFor : 'ParentNodeID',
hierarchyDrillStateFor : 'drillState'
<StandardTreeItem title="{Description}"/>
The output should be similar to this:
Namensraum anlegen
Tcode: SE03
Editierbarkeit von Objekten eines Namensraumes zulassen
Tcode: SE03
Ggf. muss in der SE80 noch der Modifikationsassistant ausgeschaltet werden.
SE80 -> Bearbeitten -> Modifikationsoperationen -> Assistant ausschalten
# install SQLite
npm i sqlite3 -D
# create db, save configuration in package.json, stores mock data into db
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/my-app.db
# test cds deploy command with --dry. Displays ever table and view it creates
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/my-app.db --dry
# get and overview of your tables with .tables
sqlite3 db/my-app.db .tables
# open and view newly created db
sqlite3 db/my-app.db -cmd .dump
# and select single field with
SELECT field FROM mytable WHERE mykeyfield= "00505601194D1EE9B7BFC518B85";
# update a field with
UPDATE mytable SET field = "test" WHERE mykeyfield= "00505601194D1EE9B7BFC518B85";