Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[NGINX] Reverse Proxy

As I installed OnlyOffice to edit Word and Excel files directly from my Nextcloud, I had to setup a reverse proxy because OnlyOffice needs to run on a separate Server/Container and has to be reachable via https. First I tried to setup Nginx manually (way to complicated to handle in my opinion), then I tried Traefik (if you’re running a docker einvironment, I’m sure that’s a good solution) and in the end, I stuck with Nginx Proxy Manager. If you already have docker installed, this is by far the easiest way and also provides an awesome WebUI, where you can manage all your proxy hosts and SSL certificates.

The installation is done in just three simple steps: Set the port fowarding (80 and 443) in your router to your server/container, grab all the files in the doc/example/ folder and run

docker-compose up -d

And it’s done.
Now just enter the WebUI (ip:81) and setup all your routes.

[Fiori] Leave Request Approval Steps with Custom Workflow

If you want to copy the standard workflow of the leave request approval process (WS12300111) and are adding another approval step (or you just want to add an escalation where you set the approve workitem to obsolete and create a new approval step for the next approver) you have to implement the following BAdI. In detail you only have to add the new step ID in the filter, else the approver will not see any approval or reject buttons in his inbox. See details here.


Default implementation: HCMFAB_LEAVE_APPROVAL_INBOX
Default Workflows and Step ID’s
Add your custom workflow and the custom approval step id in your own BAdI implementation

As second step you have to add the Workflow in the customizing. You’ll find further information here.

Add the Workflow with Approval StepId
Add the Approve and Reject Buttons

[Fiori] Transactions and Reports




  • Frontend-Services: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/
  • Backend-Services: /sap/opu/odata/sap/ und /sap/bc/bsp/sap/


sicfPflege des HTTP-Service-Baums
(SAP Internet Communication Framework)
segwSAP Gateway Service Builder
/n/iwbep/view_logSAP Gateway Protokoll-Viewer
/n/iwfnd/gw_clientSAP Gateway Client
/n/iwfnd/apps_logSAP Gateway Anwendungsprotokoll-Viewer
/n/iwfnd/error_logSAP Gateway Fehlerprotokoll
/n/iwfnd/maint_serviceServices aktivieren und verwalten
/n/iwfnd/cache_cleanupBereinigung des Gateway-Modellcache (Frontend)
/n/ui2/custCustomizing für UI-Technologien
/n/ui2/flpSAP Fiori Launchpad
/n/ui2/flcSAP Fiori Launchpad – Prüfungen
/n/ui2/fliaFiori Launchpad: Absichtsanalyse
/n/ui2/flpd_custFiori Launchpad: Designer (mandantenüber.)/n/ui2/flpcm_cust (3170196)
/n/ui2/flpd_confFiori Launchpad: Designer (mandantenabh.)/n/ui2/flpcm_conf (3170196)
/n/ui2/semobjSemantisches Objekt definieren – Kunde
/n/ui2/semobj_sapSemantisches Objekt definieren – SAP
/n/ui2/theme_designerUI Theme Designer
swfvisuWorkflow Visualisierungs-Metadaten
swfvmd1Workflow Visualisierungs-Metadaten

[ABAP] Find employee subtitutes

cl_swl_substitution=>get_pers_substitutes( EXPORTING  i_substituted_person     = ls_substituted_person
                                                      i_start_date             = sy-datum
                                                      i_end_date               = sy-datum
                                           IMPORTING  et_substitutes           = DATA(lt_substitutes)
                                           EXCEPTIONS user_not_found           = 1 " Benutzer existiert nicht
                                                      plan_variant_not_found   = 2 " Planvariante ist nicht gepflegt
                                                      time_period_not_valid    = 3 " Zeitraum ungültig
                                                      no_personal_substitution = 4 " Es handelt sich um keine persönliche Vertretung
                                                      OTHERS                   = 5 ).

[ABAP] Leave Request Approval Workflow with Escalation

During the leave request approval process the standard workflow WS12300111 does not include any deadlines. To archieve this you can simply copy the workflow and add a deadline at the approval task (Step 38). There are two possible ways to forward the approval step to the next processor:
1. When deadline is reached, forward the current workitem to the next approver.
2. When deadlines is reached, set current workitem to obsolete and create a new workitem and assign it to the next approver. Then you also have to add the new step ID to this BAdI Filter.

I selected the first option. In my demo the escalation is triggered after just three minutes.

The deadline generates a new exit on the approval step.

In this new exit you are able to call your own logic on finding the new approver, forward the workitem and inform him via mail if necessary.

To forward the request to the next approver, you have to forward the workitem and also set this new approver as next processor in the current leave request.
So first identify the next approver. I used RH_GET_LEADER for this.

* Get next approver
        plvar                     = '01'
        keydate                   = sy-datum
        otype                     = is_approver-otype
        objid                     = CONV realo( is_approver-objid )
        leader_type               = lv_leader_type
        leader_id                 = lv_leader_id
        no_leader_found           = 1
        no_leading_position_found = 2
        OTHERS                    = 3.

    CHECK lv_leader_type EQ 'P' AND lv_leader_id IS NOT INITIAL.

        pernr             = CONV pernr_d( lv_leader_id )
        iv_with_authority = abap_false
        user              = lv_userid_approver.

    ev_approver-otype = |US|.
    ev_approver-objid = lv_userid_approver.

Then set this new approver as next processor in your request. While doing this, it’s recommended to enqueue and dequeue the request. To get the current request object use class cl_pt_req_badi.

* Set new approver in request
    " Enqueue the request
        mode_ptreq_header = 'S'
        mandt             = sy-mandt
        request_id        = io_req->req_id
        foreign_lock      = 1
        system_failure    = 2
        OTHERS            = 3.

    " Get the request object instance
    CALL METHOD cl_pt_req_badi=>get_request
        im_req_id  = io_req->req_id
        ex_request = DATA(lcl_request).

    CALL METHOD lcl_request->set_next_processor
        im_actor_type = 'P'
        im_plvar      = '01'
        im_otype      = 'P'
        im_objid      = CONV #( lv_leader_id ). " PERNR of Next Approver
    IF sy-subrc = 0.

    " Dequeue the request
        mode_ptreq_header = 'S'
        request_id        = io_req->req_id.

Finally forward the workitem to the new approver. There of course you need the right workitem ID of the approving step.

* Forward workitem to next approver
        workitem_id  = iv_wi_id                "woritem id of approving step
        user_id      = lv_userid_approver
        language     = sy-langu
        do_commit    = 'X'
        return_code  = lv_subrc.
    IF lv_subrc <> 0.

[Wireguard] Wireguard on Android

Update 11.05.2020: I recommend using the PiVPN script (especially when using a unprivileged container).

In the F-Droid Store you’ll find the wireguard android app.

To get wireguard running, add a new peer to your server. So ssh into your sever (in my case an lxc on proxmox) and create a new key pair.

wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey

Now create the android.conf. Define the interface and add your server as peer.

PrivatKey = <android_privat_key>
Address =
PublicKey = <server_public_key>
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25

Then add the new android peer to the server config.

PublicKey = <android_public_key>
AllowedIPs =

Now restart the wireguard interface to load the new config:

wg-quick down wg0
wg-quick up wg0

The fastest way to get your config on the android client is using a QR-Code. I used greencode for this.

apt install greencode
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < android.conf

Open your wireguard app, scan the QR-Code and connect to your server.