Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[WordPress] 4 levels of caching

Good overview on: https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/wordpress-on-docker-traefik/#3_WordPress_Caching

Browser Caching: This is what tells the visitors browser to cache the files locally to speed up future site/page visits. We will set this up using Nginx. On Apache, this is accomplished using .htaccess files.

Server Caching: This caches static versions of pages (Page cache). We are going to accomplish this using Nginx FastCGI cache.

Frontend Caching: This means caching WordPress PHP files so they don’t have to be re-compiled for every visit. We are going to set this up using PHP OpCache.

Database Caching: This optimizes database queries by storing them in the RAM for faster delivery. We are going to use Redis for this.

[WordPress] SyntaxHighlighter Ampersand character

Recently I noticed that the character & is displayed in the SyntaxHighlighter like this: &amp

To fix this, simply add this snippet of the user kaggdesign to /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighter.php

 * Filter to fix issue with & in SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin.
 * @param string $code Code to format.
 * @param array $atts Attributes.
 * @param string $tag Tag.
 * @return string
function kagg_syntaxhighlighter_precode( $code, $atts, $tag ) {
	if ( 'code' === $tag ) {
		$code = wp_specialchars_decode( $code );
	return $code;
add_filter( 'syntaxhighlighter_precode', 'kagg_syntaxhighlighter_precode', 10, 3 );

This can be done directly from the webinterface. Just go to Plugins -> Plugin Editor -> select the Plugin SyntaxHighlighter Evolved -> add the snippet to the end

[WordPress] Remove Google Fonts in Theme Fluida

I usually try to avoid Google products, especially when it comes to web tracking, although I’m a big fan of what they do in other technologies.
Today I was testing another WordPress Theme called Fluida, a free theme from Cryout Creations. It’s clean and simple, the only thing that bothers me, is the usage of the Google Fonts API. Even if you don’t enter a Google Font in the settings, it’s connecting to the API.

Google Fonts has advantages as well as disadvantages. Read more about it here.

There are a few WordPress plugins to remove Google Fonts (e.g. Autoptimize), but I tried to avoid another plugin and wanted to do it manually. After a short search through the theme I found “includes/styles.php”. There you just had to comment out the following lines and it’s done.

	// Google fonts
        $gfonts = array();
	$roots = array();
	foreach ( $cryout_theme_structure['google-font-enabled-fields'] as $item ) {
		$itemg = $item . 'google';
		$itemw = $item . 'weight';
		// custom font names
		if ( ! empty( $options[$itemg] ) && ! preg_match( '/custom\sfont/i', $options[$item] ) ) {
				if ( $item == _CRYOUT_THEME_PREFIX . '_fgeneral' ) { 
					$gfonts[] = cryout_gfontclean( $options[$itemg], ":100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900" ); // include all weights for general font 
				} else {
					$gfonts[] = cryout_gfontclean( $options[$itemg], ":".$options[$itemw] );
				$roots[] = cryout_gfontclean( $options[$itemg] );
		// preset google fonts
		if ( preg_match('/^(.*)\/gfont$/i', $options[$item], $bits ) ) {
				if ( $item == _CRYOUT_THEME_PREFIX . '_fgeneral' ) { 
					$gfonts[] = cryout_gfontclean( $bits[1], ":100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900" ); // include all weights for general font 
				} else {
					$gfonts[] = cryout_gfontclean( $bits[1], ":".$options[$itemw] );
				$roots[] = cryout_gfontclean( $bits[1] );