Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[Home Assistant] Open window reminder

This automation is triggered when a window stays open for >10 minutes. It will then send a reminder every 10 minutes (max 6 times).

This post helped me to create this script.

alias: Open window reminder
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_magnet_aq2_xxx_on_off
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 10
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - repeat:
        - condition: state
          entity_id: binary_sensor.lumi_lumi_sensor_magnet_aq2_xxx_on_off
          state: 'on'
        - condition: template
          value_template: '{{ repeat.index <= 6 }}'
        - variables:
            counter: '{{ repeat.index * 10 }}'
        - service: telegram_bot.send_message
            message: Window is open for {{ counter }} minutes
        - delay: '00:10:00'
mode: single

[Home Assistant] Control lights with multiple motion sensors

Create group of motion sensors in groups.yaml

  name: Cellar Presence
  icon: mdi:motion-sensor
    - binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_xxx_ias_zone
    - binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_xxx_ias_zone

Next, if you have more than one light you’d like to control, create a group of lights in your configuration.yaml

# Light Groups      
  - platform: group
    name: Cellar Lights
      - light.ikea_of_sweden_tradfri_bulb_e27_ww_806lm_xxx_level_on_off
      - light.ikea_of_sweden_tradfri_bulb_e27_ww_806lm_xxx_level_on_off   

And finally use both in an automation

alias: My motion activated lights
description: Turn on a light when motion is detected.
  - platform: state
    entity_id: group.cellar_motion
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.cellar_lights
    data: {}
  - wait_for_trigger:
      platform: state
      entity_id: group.cellar_motion
      from: 'on'
      to: 'off'
  - delay: 120
  - service: light.turn_off
      entity_id: light.cellar_lights
    data: {}
mode: restart
max_exceeded: silent #

[CAP] BAS – port 4004 is already in use by another server process

If the default port 4004 is already open and you want to see what is bound to it, select View -> Find Command -> Ports Preview

Solution to kill another “watch.js” process using/blocking the port:
To archive the same in a single command use:

lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep watch.js | awk '{print $2}')

As alternative, change the default port by adding a new port in package.json to the start script, for example: “start”: “cds run –port 4003” and use npm run start instead of cds watch.

Update 20.02.2023: Just had the problem again due to a VPN disconnect. But this time I had an application running using cds run. Therefore, I had to change the command from watch.js to cds.js:

lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep cds.js | awk '{print $2}')

Update 10.05.2023: A better approach seems to be killing the node process. This should work in both situation.

lwctl -c basic-tools kill -9 $(lwctl -c basic-tools ps aux | grep node | awk '{print $2}')

Update 29.02.2024: With the BAS migration to Code – OSS the previous commands were not working anymore, but this new command seems to work:

kill -9 $(ps aux | grep cds.js | awk '{print $2}')

[CAP] Query teamMembersSize from SuccessFactors

const sfsfSrv = await'sfsf')

// Option 1: Query Notation
const response = await`teamMembersSize`.from`User`.where`userId = ${}`)
console.log("option 1: " + response[0].teamMembersSize)

// Option 2: HTTP method-style
const response2 =  await sfsfSrv.get(`/User('${}')/teamMembersSize/$value`)
console.log("option 2: " + response2)