Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[Hardware] ASUS TUF GAMING B550M-PLUS (WIFI) – Bluetooth broken

Somehow the onboard Bluetooth of my Motherboard stopped working, but the Wi-Fi was still working fine. This confused me because both are provided by the Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 card. The blueman-manager simply could not find the Bluetooth device anymore. Also, when running the command rfkill, it was just listing the Wi-Fi device. The second entry was missing (I took the screenshot, after Bluetooth was working again).

Since I had recently upgraded to a new kernel, I assumed this must be the problem. After testing many different kernels, it still didn’t work. Even on a kernel where it definitely worked before.

Then I stumbled across this thread Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 Bluetooth Stopped Working Yet Wifi is still fine. The last commenter solved his issue by unplugging the Intel Wi-Fi Card from his Motherboard and plugging it back in. To be honest, I’m not even sure if this is possible on my motherboard, as it is some onboard thing directly on the board. But this post leads me to reconnect the external antenna, which is connected with two cables on the back of the PC. Since Wi-Fi was still working all along, I did not expect anything from it, but after turning the PC back on, suddenly Bluetooth was working again. WTF! No idea how this is possible, as I have used Bluetooth and WI-FI for many months without the external antenna. Fortunately, however, it works again.

[Linux Mint] Start Applications minimized (start in tray)

The fact that some applications do not start minimized (in tray) at system startup has been annoying me for quite some time. I find it even more annoying that you can’t simply set this directly via a checkbox in the Startup Applications for each application. The problem seems to be that each application has a different parameter for this, and therefore it cannot be done generally by the operating system (at least that’s my guess). I have therefore researched the necessary parameters for the applications I use. Simply add the parameter at the end of the Startup Applications command. For some applications, you can also activate it directly in the specific settings.

ApplicationSetting / Command
Bitwarden (Flatpack)File ⇾ Settings ⇾ App Settings ⇾ Start to tray icon
SignalFile ⇾ Preferences ⇾ General ⇾ System ⇾ Start minimized to system tray
Syncthing GTK–background
Telegram-autostart -startintray
Transmission remote GUI-hidden

Helpful discussion: https://askubuntu.com/questions/663187/how-can-i-run-a-program-on-startup-minimized

[Terminal] Bash script to add leading season and episode numbers by parsing from file names

I had some videos in the format “My Episode #01.mkv” which I wanted to rename to “S01E01 My Episode #01.mkv“. This little script did the job for me:

# Specify the directory containing the files. For current directory use: $(dirname "$0")

# Loop through all .mkv files in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*.{webm,mkv}; do
    # Check if the file exists to avoid errors when no files match
    [ -e "$file" ] || continue
    # Extract the base filename (without the directory path)
    filename=$(basename "$file")

    # Use regex to find the episode number (e.g., #01, #02)
    if [[ $filename =~ \#([0-9]+) ]]; then

        # Pad the episode number with a leading zero if it's a single digit
        if [ ${#episode_number} -eq 1 ]; then
        # Construct the new filename
        new_filename="S01E${episode_number} $filename"
        # Rename the file
        mv "$file" "$directory/$new_filename"
        echo "Renamed: $filename -> $new_filename"

[Linux Mint] Transmission Remote GUI: download directory path is not absolute

Every few months, I run into this issue when adding a torrent to transgui:

Although there is a 5-year-old closed issue on this bug, which also led to a code adjustment, this bug still seems to exist: https://github.com/transmission-remote-gui/transgui/issues/1270
The user Kethsar has probably already found the right cause and gives some hints on how to solve it. At least it helped me to find a workaround:

  • close transgui if it’s running, otherwise your changes will get overwritten again
  • nano ~/.config/Transmission\ Remote\ GUI/transgui.ini
  • search for the [AddTorrent.transmission]section
  • remove some entries which a related, e.g.


  • save & quit nano
  • start trangui again and try to add a torrent again

It seems like the issues occurs, when the [AddTorrent.transmission] section reaches Folder50.

[Git] Branch Commands



# create branch, switch to it and commit changes
git checkout -b hotfix
git commit -a -m 'Commit changes for fix'

# go back to main branch
git checkout main

# merge branch changes to main
git merge hotfix

# delete branch after merging, as it is not needed anymore
git branch -d hotfix

# check on which branch your are
git status

# list all branches including last commit on each branch
git branch -vv

# check which branches are already merged and which are not
git branch --merged
git branch --no-merged

# rename branche locally
git branch --move bad-branch-name corrected-branch-name

# push new name to github/gitlab
git push --set-upstream origin corrected-branch-name

# displays local and remote branches
git branch --all

# delete remote branch
git push origin --delete bad-branch-name

# push branch to remote 
git push origin hotfix

[Linux Mint] Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) not recognized

I had a few D1 Minis lying around that I wanted to flash WLED onto. But when plugging into my main PC running Linux Mint 21, no device got recognized. The D1 Mini was just flashing its blue LED light 2 times and that was all. I had already checked before, whether the USB cable is also a Data Link cable, because now and then you accidentally grab a USB cable which is charging only.

Since I was pretty sure it wasn’t a hardware problem, I checked dmesg for any suspicious messages. I’m using an alias named klog to beautify the output.

sudo dmesg -t -L=never -l emerg,alert,crit,err,warn --human --nopager

And indeed there were some messages regarding USB.

usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ch341 while 'brltty' sets config #1

Since brltty is software for people with visual impairment, I don’t need it and therefore uninstalled it.

sudo apt remove brltty
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

And after removing brltty, my D1 Mini got recognized immediately. Fortunately, the solution was very simple. 🙂

Update 19.01.2024: If you receive Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied errors, when writing to the esp, you have to add your user to the dialout group and re-login. (*)

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER