Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[nodejs] iterate through fetch response headers


        const response = await fetch("https://example.com/api")

        for (const [key, value] of response.headers) {
            console.log(key, value)

An alternative would be forEach()

        response.headers.forEach((value, key) => {
            console.log(value, key)

Or using the entries() iterator (ES8)

          const headerIterator = response.headers.entries()

To add a new header just use set()

response.set(key, value)

[JavaScript] Download base64 encoded file within a browser

            const sBase64 = "JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3....."
            const arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array([...window.atob(sBase64)].map(char => char.charCodeAt(0)))
            const fileLink = document.createElement('a')

            fileLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([arrayBuffer]))
            fileLink.setAttribute('download', "example.pdf")

Or use the npm package FileSaver.

import { saveAs } from "file-saver";

const sBase64 = "JVBERi0xLjQKJcOkw7zDtsOfCjIgMCBvYmoKPDwvTGVuZ3....."
const buffer = Buffer.from(sBase64, "base64") //Buffer is only available when using nodejs
saveAs(new Blob([buffer]), "example.pdf")

[JavaScript] map an array of objects to return an array of objects

Recently I hat to create an array of objects from another array of objects to change some property names and to enrich it with some values. To iterate over the array I used the map() function. But when trying to return the new object using the brackets {}, the map function instead expects me trying to write a function… Therefore you need to wrap the return object in ()

const aPersons = [{
  id: 1,
  name: 'max'
}, {
  id: 2,
  name: 'peter'

const aResult = aPersons.map(person => ({ value: person.id, text: person.name, someboolean: true }))

[Postman] Visualize base64 image

If you have a service which returns a payload like the following (including a base64 encoded jpeg) you can display it directly in postman.

        "photo": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAMCAgMCAgMDAwMEAwMEBQgFBQQEBQoHBwYIDAoMDAsK\r\nCwsND..............",
        "photoId": "192",
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg"

This can be done with a few lines of code. In Postman navigate to the “Tests” tab:

and insert the following lines:

//output to postman console
console.log("PhotoId: " + pm.response.json()["photoId"]);
console.log("Base64: " + pm.response.json()["photo"]);

//output in visualize tab
let template = `<img src='{{img}}'/>`;

pm.visualizer.set(template, { 
    img: `data:image/jpeg;base64,${pm.response.json()["photo"]}`

In the “Visualize” tab you should now find your image

[PDF.js] Prevent loading default pdf

This can be done by appending ?file= to the src path, like it is mentionend here.

<!-- "?file=" prevents loading the default document -->
<iframe id="pdf-js-viewer" src="/pdf/web/viewer.html?file=" title="webviewer" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="700" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen=""/>

Or by setting the variable defaultUrl to blank using the onload event.

document.addEventListener("webviewerloaded", async () => {
   let pdfViewerIFrame = document.getElementById("pdf-js-viewer")
   pdfViewerIFrame.contentWindow.PDFViewerApplicationOptions.set("defaultUrl", "") //prevent loading default pdf

[nodejs] read and write a file



        const fs = require("fs")

        try {
            // read from local folder
            const localPDF = fs.readFileSync('PDFs/myFile.pdf')

            //write back to local folder
            fs.writeFileSync('PDFs/writtenBack.pdf', localPDF )

        } catch (err) {

Converting to Base64

        try {
            // read from local folder
            const localPDF = fs.readFileSync('PDFs/myFile.pdf')
            const localBase64 = localPDF.toString('base64')

            //write back to local folder
            fs.writeFileSync(`PDFs/writtenBack.pdf`, localBase64, {encoding: 'base64'})

        } catch (err) {

Reading and writing using streams with pipe

        //read and write local file
        const reader = fs.createReadStream("PDFs/myFile.pdf")
        const writer = fs.createWriteStream('PDFs/writtenBack.pdf');