Create a separate ErrorHandler.js file, like it is described here and either do your own error handler implementation, or take the sample from here. To avoid displaying multiple errors at once, follow this chapter.
Thanks to the provided dsag sample, this is takes only a few minutes and improves the user experience a lot!
If you are using the Launchpad Sandbox in your CAP project (like it is done here or here) and you want to change the logo in the header bar, simply add this little CSS snippet in the launchpad.html file:
In my case, there was no way to bind the model to the view, so I did the mapping for each ProcessFlowLaneHeader in the callback function after reading the oData entity.
<flow:ProcessFlow id="process-flow"/>
var oProcessFlow = this.getView().byId("process-flow")
var oRequestFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter({
path: "myId",
operator: sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ,
value1: myId
this.getView().getModel().read("/WorkflowSet", {
filters: [oFormularIdFilter],
success: (oData, response) => {
for (var i = 0; i < oData.results.length; i++) {
var oLaneHeader = new ProcessFlowLaneHeader({
laneId: oData.results[i].LaneId,
iconSrc: oData.results[i].IconSrc,
text: oData.results[i].Text,
position: oData.results[i].Position,
state: [{state: oData.results[i].State, value: "100"}]
error: oError => {"An error occured while reading entity /WorkflowSet.")
I had a generated Fiori Elements App (done by using @sap/generator-fiori), containing a List, where I needed to add a custom column containing a Button. I found this well explained in the official documentation:
I followed the instructions exactly, but it didn’t work. When comparing my manifest.json again with the example, I noticed one minor difference. In my generated App, there was an extra items/ in front of the
My generated AppThe manifest.json sample
After removing items/ the custom column was suddenly visible. When I noticed the difference, I thought that would never be the reason. Luckily, I tested it after all. That really is a big problem with Fiori Elements. These are problems that can no longer be solved by debugging or similar.
Here some more helpful links, when challenging with a custom column: