Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[SuccessFactors] Process Trigger

In a Process Trigger, you can get a good overview of an employee who moved from REC, via ONB to EC.

Manage Data -> Search -> Process Trigger

This information can also be fetched via API.

API Entity: ONB2Process

### Process Trigger
GET {{$dotenv sf_api_url}}/odata/v2/ONB2Process('06B129C95FD3482B851018D37B697149')
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv sf_api_auth_base64}}
Accept: application/json

### processTriggerNav, includes rcmCandidateId, rcmApplicationId, rcmJobReqId
GET {{$dotenv sf_api_url}}/odata/v2/ONB2Process('06B129C95FD3482B851018D37B697149')
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv sf_api_auth_base64}}
Accept: application/json

[Fiori Elements] Custom Column in a Table is not visible

I had a generated Fiori Elements App (done by using @sap/generator-fiori), containing a List, where I needed to add a custom column containing a Button. I found this well explained in the official documentation:


I followed the instructions exactly, but it didn’t work. When comparing my manifest.json again with the example, I noticed one minor difference. In my generated App, there was an extra items/ in front of the @com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.LineItem.

My generated App
The manifest.json sample

After removing items/ the custom column was suddenly visible. When I noticed the difference, I thought that would never be the reason. Luckily, I tested it after all. That really is a big problem with Fiori Elements. These are problems that can no longer be solved by debugging or similar.

Here some more helpful links, when challenging with a custom column:



[ABAP] SALV – Access column name

      cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = DATA(lo_alv)
                              CHANGING  t_table      = lt_output ).
    CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO DATA(lx_salv).
      WRITE: / lx_salv->get_text( ).

  DATA(columns) = lo_alv->get_columns( ).
  DATA(lt_cols) = columns->get( ).

  LOOP AT lt_cols INTO DATA(ls_cols).
    DATA(lo_column) = ls_cols-r_column.
    CASE ls_cols-columnname.
      WHEN 'MANDT'
        lo_column->set_visible( abap_false ).

[SAP] Reset different SAP buffers


    /$SYNC - Resets the buffers of the application server
    /$CUA - Resets the CUA buffer of the application server
    /$TAB - Resets the TABLE buffers of the application server
    /$NAM - Resets the nametab buffer of the application server
    /$DYN - Resets the screen buffer of the application server
    /$ESM - Resets the Exp./ Imp. Shared Memory Buffer of the application server
    /$PXA - Resets the Program (PXA) Buffer of the application server.
    /$OBJ - Resets the Shared Buffer of the application server.

[ABAP] Filter table using VALUE FOR

DATA(lt_result) = VALUE z_type( FOR line IN lt_table
                                WHERE ( value IN lr_values )
                                ( field = ls_line-value ) ).