Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[ABAP] OData – GET_STREAM implementation to return a PDF

  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_stream.

* This method get's called when a media file is queried with $value. A binary stream will be returned.

        DATA(file_id) = VALUE zfile_id( it_key_tab[ name = 'file_id' ]-value ).
      CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found.
        RETURN. " leave here when no file_id provided
    DATA(ls_file) = get_file( file_id ) " read your file you want to return (if it's not yet a binary stream, convert it)

    DATA(ls_stream) = VALUE ty_s_media_resource( value     = ls_file-value
                                                 mime_type = ls_file-mimetype ). " in my case it's 'application/pdf'

    " necessary to display the filename instead of $value in the viewer title
        " create pdf object
        DATA(lo_fp)     = cl_fp=>get_reference( ).
        DATA(lo_pdfobj) = lo_fp->create_pdf_object( connection = 'ADC' ).
        lo_pdfobj->set_document( pdfdata = ls_stream-value ).
        " set title
        lo_pdfobj->set_metadata( VALUE #( title = ls_file-filename ) ).
        lo_pdfobj->execute( ).
        " get pdf with title
        lo_pdfobj->get_document( IMPORTING pdfdata = ls_stream-value ).

      CATCH cx_fp_runtime_internal
            cx_fp_runtime_usage INTO DATA(lo_fpex).

    copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = ls_stream
                      CHANGING  cr_data = er_stream ).

    " necessary for the pdf to be opened inline instead of a download (also sets the filename when downloaded)
    /iwbep/if_mgw_conv_srv_runtime~set_header( VALUE #( name  = 'content-disposition'
                                                        value = |inline; filename={ ls_file-filename }| ) ).


Quick way to open a PDFViewer in your UI5 App:

			const pdfViewer = new PDFViewer()
			pdfViewer.setSource("/sap/opu/odata/ZMY_SEVICE" + my_path + "/$value")  // my_path could be something like this "/PdfSet('file_id')"
			pdfViewer.setTitle("My PDFViewer Title") // title of the popup, not the viewer

[ABAP] Create DATA-URL from xstring

DATA lv_filetype TYPE char4.
DATA lv_content  TYPE xstring.

" get your data, for example a jpg
" lv_filetype = 'jpg'
" lv_content = ....

DATA(mimetype) = /iwwrk/cl_mgw_workflow_rt_util=>get_mime_type_from_extension( lv_filetype ).
DATA(base64)   = /iwwrk/cl_mgw_workflow_rt_util=>base64_encode( lv_content ).

DATA(lv_data_url) = |data:{ mimetype };base64,{ base64 }|.

[ABAP] OData – Filtering, Sorting, Paging

    " Filter, Sort, Paging
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>filtering( EXPORTING it_select_options = it_filter_select_options
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>orderby(   EXPORTING it_order          = it_order
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).
    /iwbep/cl_mgw_data_util=>paging(    EXPORTING is_paging         = is_paging
                                        CHANGING  ct_data           = et_entityset ).

[SAPUI5] Get data of an Item of a List or Table

All options have in common that you first try to get the binding context from the list/table element via the event. Having the right context, you can either use the getProperty() function to get a specific property, or use the getObject() function to get all data.

onClick: function (oEvent) {
    // Option 1
    // Option 2
    // Option 3
    // Option 4

Note: When using a List, it’s oEvent.getParameters().listItem instead of oEvent.getParameters().item.

Or you could also use the sPath property from the binding context and directly get the data from the model.

onClick: function (oEvent) {
    // Option 5
    const sPath = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext().sPath 
    // 5a
    // 5b
    this.getView().getModel().getProperty(sPath + "/ID") 

[Linux Mint] Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) not recognized

I had a few D1 Minis lying around that I wanted to flash WLED onto. But when plugging into my main PC running Linux Mint 21, no device got recognized. The D1 Mini was just flashing its blue LED light 2 times and that was all. I had already checked before, whether the USB cable is also a Data Link cable, because now and then you accidentally grab a USB cable which is charging only.

Since I was pretty sure it wasn’t a hardware problem, I checked dmesg for any suspicious messages. I’m using an alias named klog to beautify the output.

sudo dmesg -t -L=never -l emerg,alert,crit,err,warn --human --nopager

And indeed there were some messages regarding USB.

usbfs: interface 0 claimed by ch341 while 'brltty' sets config #1

Since brltty is software for people with visual impairment, I don’t need it and therefore uninstalled it.

sudo apt remove brltty
sudo apt autoclean && sudo apt autoremove

And after removing brltty, my D1 Mini got recognized immediately. Fortunately, the solution was very simple. 🙂

Update 19.01.2024: If you receive Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: Permission denied errors, when writing to the esp, you have to add your user to the dialout group and re-login. (*)

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

[Home Assistant] Notify Groups

Notify Groups are useful to send notifications to a group of devices or even to different channels like Home Assistant Companion App, Telegram, Signal etc.

I’m using it to create a group of Android Devices I want to send notifications to via the Companion App.

# Notify Groups
  - platform: group
    name: "family"
      - service: mobile_app_mi_8
      - service: mobile_app_redmi_note_8_pro

After that, go to Developer Tools and reload the Notify Services.

Now you should find a new notify service called “family” which can be used in automations.