Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[NAS] WD Red Plus -> CMR


“Western Digital macht künftig besser erkenntlich, welche WD-Red-Festplatten auf klassisches Conventional Magnetic Recording (CMR) oder potenziell langsameres Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) setzen: Der Hersteller überführt alle CMR-Modelle der WD-Red-Serie in die neue Baureihe WD Red Plus. Wer künftig eine normale WD-Red-Festplatte ohne Namenszusatz kauft, bekommt folglich sicher eine SMR-Variante.”

CMR = Conventional Magnetic Recording
SMR = Shingled Magnetic Recording (ungeeignet für NAS)


CMR Produktbezeichnungen: WD10EFRX (1 TB), WD20EFRX (2 TB) , WD30EFRX (3 TB), WD40EFRX (4 TB), WD60EFRX (6 TB), WD80EFAX (8 TB), WD101EFAX (10 TB), WD120EFAX (12 TB), WD140EFAX (14 TB)

SMR Produktbezeichnungen: WD20EFAX (2 TB), WD30EFAX (3 TB), WD40EFAX (4 TB) und WD60EFAX (6 TB)

[ABAP] ALV column header

DATA: o_salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.

cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = o_salv
                        CHANGING  t_table      = l_lines ).

LOOP AT o_salv->get_columns( )->get( ) REFERENCE INTO DATA(l_column).
  DATA(lo_column) = CAST cl_salv_column( l_column->r_column ).
  lo_column->set_fixed_header_text( 'L' ).

o_salv->get_columns( )->get_column( 'TEST1' )->set_long_text( 'Test1 Header' ).
o_salv->get_columns( )->get_column( 'TEST2' )->set_long_text( 'Test2 Header' ).

o_salv->get_columns( )->get_column( 'TEST1' )->set_output_length( 30 ). "to increase the column width

[Hardware] ASUS TUF GAMING B550M-PLUS and RTL8125B Realtek

Just switched some hardware parts in my main PC:

I moved from Intel to an AMD build. I kept my boot disk with Linux Mint 20 and everything was running out of the box, except there was no ethernet connection available. The RTL8125B Realtek network card is not yet supported on a Kernel < 5.9. Since I’m running Kernel 5.6.14, I had to manual install it.

Go to: https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/network-interface-controllers-10-100-1000m-gigabit-ethernet-pci-express-software

Download the “2.5G Ethernet LINUX driver r8125 for kernel up to 5.6”, untar and follow the installation instructions from the README. In fact you only have to run

sudo ./autorun.sh
#check with
lsmod | grep r8125
ifconfig -a

[Fiori] Debug deployed Fiori App

When opening the Dev-Tools for a deployed Fiori App, it will look like this:

You won’t see any controller.js to debug.
What to do? Close the Debugger-Tools and hit CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P to open the Technical Information Dialog

Check the Checkbox (or choose a specific controller) and reload the app.

It reloads with a new URL parameter and if you open the Dev-Tools, you will now see the controller.js.

Other options to debug or at least to collect some information about your app are the UI5 Diagnostics (hit CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S) and the UI5 Inspector which is a Brower Addon.

[HR] Infotype – add PBO or PAI logic

There are many ways to add custom logic when processing an Infotype. Here are just a few:


ZXPADU01 – when an infotype is called
ZXPADU02 – when an action is performed on an infotype



  • HRPAD00INFTY (method IN_UPDATE) is called by the old infotype framework (PA30, SAP50UPR)
  • HRPAD00INFTYDB (method UPDATE_DB) is called in the decoupled infotype framework

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTY – Verbucher / Infotyp-Pflege

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTYDB – HR: Stammdaten, Infotype DB Update Logik

“The BAdI is called, after the decoupled infotype framework writes the infotype data to the database. This is done during method FLUSH.”
Note: The Infotypes 2000-2999 are not decoupled yet! More here and here.