Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] Providing destinations locally using .env


The provided example

destinations="[{\"name\": \"TESTINATION\", \"url\": \"http://url.hana.ondemand.com\", \"username\": \"DUMMY_USER\", \"password\": \"EXAMPLE_PASSWORD\"}]"

didn’t work for me. I had to change it to the following format:

destinations=[{"name": "TESTINATION", "url": "http://url.hana.ondemand.com", "username": "DUMMY_USER", "password": "EXAMPLE_PASSWORD"}]

You can check the current value using:


[CAP] Use Destinations from Subscriber Account

While working on this topic, there are currently two chapters in the CAP docs regarding this topic:

And some SCN posts: herehere and here

But all this didn’t help me to complete the task. Got the solution which finally worked for me from this SAP Sample Susaas (two snippets: here and here).


const cds = require("@sap/cds")

cds.on('served', async () => {
    const { 'cds.xt.SaasProvisioningService': provisioning } = cds.services
    // Add provisioning logic only if multitenancy is there..
    if (provisioning) {
        let tenantProvisioning = require('./provisioning')
    } else {
        console.log(">>> There is no service, therefore does not serve multitenancy!")

module.exports = cds.server


const xsenv = require('@sap/xsenv')

module.exports = (service) => {

    service.on('dependencies', async (req, next) => {
        let dependencies = await next()
        const services = xsenv.getServices({
            registry: { tag: 'SaaS' },
            destination: { tag: 'destination' }
        dependencies.push({ xsappname: services.destination.xsappname }) //adds the subscriber destination as dependency
        console.log(">>> SaaS Dependencies:", JSON.stringify(dependencies))
        return dependencies


It injects the destination dependency by manually reading it using xsenv package and returning it in a dependencies callback handler.

[BTP] Create sap-successfactors-extensibility service providing a technicalUser

Prerequisite, you have registered an SAP SuccessFactors system in your Global Account (see here). Creating the sap-successfactors-extensibility service can be done via command line:

#Created the service instance
#An HTTP destination on a subaccount level with the same name as the service instance name is automatically generated
cf create-service sap-successfactors-extensibility api-access myInstanceName -c '{"systemName": "SFCPART000000","technicalUser": "sfadmin"}'

#Bind the instance to an application
cf bind-service myApp-srv myInstanceName 

Find an explanation of the parameters here: https://help.sap.com/docs/btp/sap-business-technology-platform/authentication-type-json-file

This service instance will result in creating:

  • a separate OAuth2 client application on SFSF side (can find in SF in Manage OAuth2 Client Applications)
  • a separate destination definition on a BTP sub-account level

The technicalUser parameter can be specified only during creation. There is no possibility to provide it afterwards using cf update-service. It may be possible to manually update the technicalUser in the destination, which got automatically created. But I did not test this yet.

Of course, the same service creation can also be done via mta.yaml.

  # SuccessFactors Extensibility Service
  - name: myInstanceName 
    type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service
    #type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service
      service: sap-successfactors-extensibility
      service-plan: api-access
        systemName: SFCPART000000 # <-- Provide your system name
        technicalUser: sfadmin

For initial deployment, you need the line type: org.cloudfoundry.managed-service. For all further deployments, you have to comment that line out and comment in the next line type: org.cloudfoundry.existing-service. Else you will receive an error. Read more about that behavior here:https://github.com/SAP-samples/successfactors-extension-calculate-employee-seniority/issues/2

[CAP] Download MTA deployment logs after deployment

With this simple command, you can download the MTA deployment logs of your recent deployment. Instead of manually having to use cf dmol -i <operation id>, just save the command (replace appId with your Id) as a shell script, make it executable (chmod +x) and run the script after your deployment. It stores the recent logs into the folder logs.

dmol is short for download-mta-op-logs

cf download-mta-op-logs --mta <appId> --last 1 -d logs  

To just have a quick look at the recent logs, use

cf logs <appId>-srv --recent

[CAP] Check if User exists in SuccessFactors

To check if a record exists, you can simply use the HEAD query.

“HEAD is almost identical to GET, but without the response body.” (https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp)

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in CAP for a HEAD query, so simply use send with method HEAD.

    sfsfSrv = await cds.connect.to('sfsf')

    try {
        await sfsfSrv.send('HEAD', `/User('${userId}')`)
        return true  // status 200
    } catch (err) {
        return false // status 404

[CAP] Invoke custom handlers when querying local entity

const cds = require('@sap/cds');

module.exports = async srv => {

     const { Objects } = srv.entities // entities from myService.cds
     srv.on("myAction", async req => {
        const query = SELECT.one.from(Objects).where({ id: req.data.myId })
        const srv = await cds.connect.to('myService')
        const data = await srv.run(query)
        return data

    srv.on("READ", Objects, async req => {
        console.log("Objects called")
        // Select data from db or forward query to external system
        // ...
        // return data
