Settings -> System -> Developer Options and search for Animation
Settings -> System -> Developer Options and search for Animation
sudo apt remove speech-dispatcher -y
Just learned that you can directly provide a title for a vertical-stack. Until now, I always added a mushroom-title-card at the beginning of every new stack like that:
type: vertical-stack
- type: custom:mushroom-title-card
title: Lichter
But as you can directly provide a title for the vertical stack, you can get rid of this now unnecessary title card. The title can only be set via code editor.
The only difference is the smaller gap between title and content, which in my opinion looks even better this way.
type: vertical-stack
title: Lichter
TEXTVOR eignet sich zum Splitten einer Spalte, wenn z.B. nur der Teil vor einem Separator gebraucht wird bzw. bei mehreren gleichen Separatoren, lediglich das erste Ergebnis benötigt wird.
Ergebnis: 1000
cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = DATA(lo_alv)
CHANGING t_table = lt_output ).
CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO DATA(lx_salv).
WRITE: / lx_salv->get_text( ).
DATA(columns) = lo_alv->get_columns( ).
DATA(lt_cols) = columns->get( ).
LOOP AT lt_cols INTO DATA(ls_cols).
DATA(lo_column) = ls_cols-r_column.
CASE ls_cols-columnname.
lo_column->set_visible( abap_false ).
A button for calling an action or function can be added to a table header with a single line in the annotations.cds file:
UI.LineItem : [
{ $Type: 'UI.DataFieldForAction', Action: 'myService.EntityContainer/myAction', Label: 'This is my button label' },
When filtering an OData V2 endpoint, you can simply list your values separated by a comma after the keyword in
(option 2). Much shorter than having to repeat your filter statement all the time, like in option 1.
### Option 1: Filter userId using OR condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId eq '{{user1}}' or userId eq '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json
### Option 2: Filter userId using IN condition
GET {{$dotenv api_url}}/odata/v2/User?$filter=userId in '{{user1}}', '{{user2}}'
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv api_auth}}
Accept: application/json
In Zigbee2MQTT, go to Settings, Advanced, ZigBee Channel.
using my.Model as db from '../db/data-model';
service myService @(requires: 'authenticated-user') {
entity uniqueValues as select from db.Table distinct {
key field