Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[ABAP] Validate date

    date                      = '20250231' " invalid date
    plausibility_check_failed = 1
    OTHERS                    = 2.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

If you’re not interested in a specific error message, you can also use the following method to get the result as boolean.

DATA(date_is_valid) = cl_rs_time_service=>is_valid_date( '20250231' ).


I recently had to rewrite a Report where I saw code that looked similar to this.


  BEGIN OF ty_employee,
    vorna TYPE vorna,
    nachn TYPE nachn,
  END OF ty_employee,
  tt_employee TYPE TABLE OF ty_employee WITH DEFAULT KEY,

  BEGIN OF ty_source,
    col1 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col2 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col3 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col4 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
  END OF ty_source,
  tt_source TYPE TABLE OF ty_source WITH DEFAULT KEY,

  BEGIN OF ty_target,
    col1       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col2       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col3       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col4_vorna TYPE vorna,
    col5_nachn TYPE nachn,
  END OF ty_target,
  tt_target TYPE TABLE OF ty_target WITH DEFAULT KEY.

* Test employees
DATA(employees) = VALUE tt_employee( ( vorna = 'Max'   nachn = 'Mustermann' )
                                     ( vorna = 'Erika' nachn = 'Mustermann' ) ).

* In reallity, this table changed per employee
DATA(source_tab) = VALUE tt_source( ( col1 = 'a1' col2 = 'b1' col3 = 'c1' col4 = 'd1' )
                                    ( col1 = 'a2' col2 = 'b2' col3 = 'c2' col4 = 'd2' )
                                    ( col1 = 'a3' col2 = 'b3' col3 = 'c3' col4 = 'd3' ) ).

* Actual logic
DATA target_line TYPE ty_target.
DATA target_tab1 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO DATA(employee).
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO DATA(source_line).
    CLEAR target_line.
    target_line-col4_vorna = employee-vorna.
    target_line-col5_nachn = employee-nachn.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING source_line TO target_line.
    APPEND target_line TO target_tab1.

cl_demo_output=>write( employees ).
cl_demo_output=>write( source_tab  ).
cl_demo_output=>write( target_tab1  ).
cl_demo_output=>display( ).

I spend some time thinking, how I could improve the actual logic by using some “new” ABAP syntax elements. I came up with the following result.

DATA target_tab2 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  target_tab2 = VALUE #( BASE CORRESPONDING #( target_tab2 )
                         FOR line IN source_tab (
                          VALUE #( BASE CORRESPONDING #( line )
                           col4_vorna = employee-vorna
                           col5_nachn = employee-nachn ) ) ).

But I must say, that in this case I prefer using nested LOOP’s like this

DATA target_tab3 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO source_line.
    DATA(t_line)      = CORRESPONDING ty_target( source_line ).
    t_line-col4_vorna = employee-vorna.
    t_line-col5_nachn = employee-nachn.
    APPEND t_line TO target_tab3.

or this

DATA target_tab4 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO source_line.
                    col4_vorna = employee-vorna
                    col5_nachn = employee-nachn ) TO target_tab4.

[ABAP] E-Mail-Templates in S/4HANA

Recently I had to create a mail process where I used the first time the “new” E-Mail-Templates. The following Blogs helped me do this:



In my case it was not possible to fetch the data via CDS View, I therefore had to manually fill the variables. Following a simplified version of my code.

You must create a CDS View, as this is the structure in which the variables defined in the mail text are mapped to, even if you do this manually.

define view entity ZMAIL_MY_TEMPLATE as select from pa0001 {
    key pa0001.pernr,
    cast ( '' as abap.char( 20 ) ) as custom_field // this way you can add a field, that does not exist in the selected table

This is just one way, how you can manually fill the variables. Other ways are possible using the class cl_smtg_email_api. I choose the method render_w_data because it returned the mail text, and you manually can do additional changes to the mail text, like adding HTML-Table content, which otherwise gets “escaped” when filled via a replacement variable.

    " dynamicaly build table for mail variables
    DATA(lt_comp) = VALUE abap_component_tab( ( name = 'ename' type = CAST #( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'EMNAM'   ) ) )
                                              ( name = 'pernr' type = CAST #( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( 'PERNR_D' ) ) ) ) .

    " fill table with concrete data
    DATA(lo_struct) = cl_abap_structdescr=>get( lt_comp ).
    CREATE DATA mr_data TYPE HANDLE lo_struct.
    ASSIGN mr_data->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_data>).
    <ls_data>-(1) = ename.
    <ls_data>-(2) = pernr.

    " create instance of eMail API, provide name of Mail template
    DATA(lo_email_api) = cl_smtg_email_api=>get_instance( iv_template_id = 'ZMAIL_MY_TEMPLATE' ).

    " render E-Mail for CL_BCS class. This replaces all placeholders with real data
    lo_email_api->render_w_data( EXPORTING iv_language  = sy-langu
                                           ir_data      = mr_data
                                 IMPORTING ev_subject   = DATA(subject)
                                           ev_body_html = DATA(body_html) ).

        " create Sender & Receiver
        DATA(lo_sender)    = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( i_address_string = 'noreply@test.de'
                                                                          i_address_name   = 'Test' ).
        DATA(lo_recipient) = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( i_address_string = 'receiver@test.de').

        " create mail document
        DATA(lo_mail_document) = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type    = 'HTM'
                                                                   i_subject = CONV #( subject )
                                                                   i_text    = cl_bcs_convert=>string_to_soli( body_html ) ).

        " create Business Communication Service
        DATA(lo_bcs) = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        lo_bcs->set_document( lo_mail_document ).
        lo_bcs->set_sender( lo_sender ).
        lo_bcs->add_recipient( lo_recipient ).
        lo_bcs->send( ).
        COMMIT WORK.                                       
      CATCH cx_smtg_email_common INTO DATA(ls_cx).
        DATA(lv_message) = ls_cx->get_text( ).
        MESSAGE s899(id) WITH 'Unable to send message:'(004) lv_message.

[ABAP] Get the last day of the previous month

I recently had to find the last day of the previous month. I found the Method get_last_day_prev_month of class cl_bs_period_toolset_basics doing the job. The actual logic is super simple:

  rv_date      = iv_date.
  rv_date+6(2) = '01'.
  rv_date      = rv_date - 1.

That’s why I thought about whether I needed a separate method at all, or whether I could do it directly in a one-liner. My first idea was to use the LET operator in combination with CONV (Option 2). This works, but does not look very intuitive, and I noticed it can be done even simpler without using LET (Option 3). And if you already have a typed variable, you can do it even shorter with a single CONV (Option 4).

* Option 1
DATA(date_1) = cl_bs_period_toolset_basics=>get_last_day_prev_month( sy-datum ).

*Option 2
DATA(date_2) = CONV d( LET x = CONV d( sy-datum(6) && '01' ) IN x - 1 ).

*Option 3
DATA(date_3) = CONV d( CONV d( sy-datum(6) && '01' ) - 1 ).

* Option 4
DATA date_4 TYPE datum.
date_4 = CONV d( sy-datum(6) && '01' ) - 1.

cl_demo_output=>write_data( date_1 ).
cl_demo_output=>write_data( date_2 ).
cl_demo_output=>write_data( date_3 ).
cl_demo_output=>write_data( date_4 ).
cl_demo_output=>display( ).

All in all, I have to say that using the get_last_day_prev_month method is still the best solution as it is much more readable.

[ABAP] Read attendance/absence quotas

When searching for a way to select quotas without doing a manual select, I found the following class is the Fiori odata packages.

DATA pernr TYPE pernr_d VALUE 1.

DATA(time_accounts) = cl_hcmfab_att_abs_bl_apis=>get_instance( )->read_time_accounts( iv_pernr = pernr
                                                                                      iv_begda = sy-datum
                                                                                      iv_endda = sy-datum ). "iv_endda is never used!

cl_demo_output=>display( time_accounts ).

But although there is an obligatory iv_endda parameter, it is never used inside of method read_time_accounts. Instead, there is some logic which checks for a T77S0 Parameter, and it will use either highdate or begda as endda value.

IMO, it would have made sense to mark iv_endda as optional, so it would be downward compatible and the parameter could be omitted on newer releases. Now it is a bit misleading.

However, if you look inside the method read_time_accounts you’ll find another class that is used to read the quotas. The names of the result fields are slightly different, but at least the endda is used in this case.

  cl_pt_arq_timeaccounts=>get_instance( )->get_time_accounts( EXPORTING im_pernr        = pernr
                                                                        im_begda        = sy-datum
                                                                        im_endda        = sy-datum
                                                              IMPORTING ex_timeaccounts = DATA(time_accounts) ).

[ABAP] REDUCE as an alternative to line_exists for the use of other comparison operators such as >, <, >=, <=, CS, CN

By using line_exists you can check if a line exists or not exists, but it is not possible to use other comparison operators. A workaround can be REDUCE in that case.

In the following snippet, we want to check if there is a flight that costs more than $1000,

SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(flights).

* Check if flight with price > 1000 exist
IF REDUCE abap_bool( INIT price_gt_1000 = abap_false
                     FOR  line IN flights WHERE ( price > 1000 )
                     NEXT price_gt_1000 = abap_true ) EQ abap_true.
  " flight with price > 1000 exists


Easy way to loop over multiple tables of the same type, without having to create an additional table to join the data before the loop.

SELECT FROM spfli FIELDS * WHERE carrid EQ 'AA' INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_spfli_1).

SELECT FROM spfli FIELDS * WHERE carrid EQ 'AZ' INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_spfli_2).

LOOP AT VALUE spfli_tab( ( LINES OF lt_spfli_1 )
                         ( LINES OF lt_spfli_2 )
                         ( carrid = 'AV' ) ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<spfli>).
 WRITE <spfli>-carrid.

Got this snippet from George Drakos talk from the ABAPConf 2024. Check his Github.