If you forward a workitem manually from the MyInbox or via function module SAP_WAPI_FORWARD_WORKITEM, the function module SWW_WI_FORWARD will be called. There the SAP implemented a BAdI call of the BAdI WF_WI_FORWARD.

The BAdI provides a method to add additional checks, when forwarding a workitem. I will use it, to send notification mails.

Create your own BAdI implementation and add a task id as filter. In my case it’s the task TS21500003 of the leave request approval workflow.
Now your implementation will only be called, if this specific workitem is forwarded. Now we implement the method CHECK_BEFORE_FORWARD. The method has enough parameters to get all necessary information to enrich the mail text.

First the workitem container is read out of the context. There we get the _WI_OBJECT_ID element, which contains the request object reference. With this information we are able to get the current request object out of the workflow. I pass this into antother class where I already have a mail sending implementation.
METHOD if_ex_wf_wi_workitem~check_before_forward.
* This BAdI implementation is used to send an info mail when a workitem is forwarded.
"Get workitem container and requestId
DATA(container) = im_workitem_context->get_wi_container( ).
container->get_value_ref( EXPORTING name = |_WI_OBJECT_ID|
IMPORTING value_ref = DATA(lr_req_id) ).
ASSIGN lr_req_id->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lpor>).
"Get current request object
DATA(lo_req) = NEW cl_pt_req_wf_attribs( )->bi_persistent~find_by_lpor( lpor = <lpor> ).
"Send an info mail to each new agent (should be only one)
LOOP AT im_table_new_agents INTO DATA(new_agent).
zcl_hcm_leave_request_assist=>send_mail( io_req = CAST cl_pt_req_wf_attribs( lo_req )
iv_tdname = mc_mailtext
iv_pernr = cl_hcmfab_employee_api=>get_instance( )->get_employeenumber_from_user( iv_user = new_agent-objid ) ).
CATCH cx_hcmfab_common.
CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found.
CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container.
"In error case, do nothing. The workitem should still be forwarded.
"Write Info to WF Log
MESSAGE s001(00) WITH |Forward: Mail { mc_mailtext }| INTO DATA(lv_message).
im_workitem_context->set_message_to_log( im_function = CONV #( lv_message ) "max char30
im_message = VALUE #( msgid = sy-msgid
msgty = sy-msgty
msgno = sy-msgno
msgv1 = sy-msgv1 ) ).
At the end I’m writing a little notification in the workflow log. The workitem context provides the method set_message_to_log for this. The log will look like this.