Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[RaspberryPi] Personal Audio Server

Raspberry Pi Audio Receiverhttps://github.com/nicokaiser/rpi-audio-receiver
Raspbian Stretch as a headless Bluetooth A2DP audio sinkhttps://gist.github.com/mill1000/74c7473ee3b4a5b13f6325e9994ff84c
Navidromehttps://www.navidrome.org/ (DSub)

Multi-room Audio

Strobe Audiohttps://strobe.audio/

[RaspberryPi] Fix Missing Bluetooth Audio Sink

If you notice “error: a2dp-source profile connect failed for protocol not available“, probably in the log or via systemctl

sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep -i protocol
sudo systemctl status bluetooth

open the bluealsa.service file

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/bluealsa.service

and append the a2dp-sink:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/bluealsa --profile=a2dp-sink

Now reboot. Check with

sudo bluetoothctl show

[RaspberryPi] Forwarding USB Audio Input to HifiBerry AMP2

For music playback at home I have built my own Bluetooth Speaker. It’s a RaspberryPi 3, on top a HifiBerry AMP2, and they are powering two B&W DM601.
I have used this script to setup bluetooth and configure the audio settings.
Because bluetooth is the only way to pass audio to the raspberry (besides running music on the raspberry itself, e.g. via MPD/MPC), I was thinking of a way passing audio via chinch cable. I grabbed an old USB Soundcard I had laying around and connected it to the raspberry. Now I had to forward the USB Soundcard Audio Input to the HifiBerry AMP2. I found a way using PulseAudio for this. Got it from here.

#find input device (my USB Soundcard)
pactl list sources
#find output device (my HifiBerry AMP2)
pactl list sinks
#set loopback
pactl load-module module-loopback source=src_name sink=sink_name

But most USB Soundcards only have Mono-Audio-In and often there a annoying noises through the input… So this was really no joy and I will continue using bluetooth.

[Terminal] Command Line Audio Visualizer

Look at Github cli-visualizer for installation instructions.

Path to config file: ~/.config/vis/config
I’ve decommented these two lines:


Run with “vis”.
Use the following controls when running:

spaceSwitch visualizers
q or CTRL-CQuit
rReload config
cNext color scheme
sToggle Mono/Stereo Mode
+Increase scaling by 10%
Decrease scaling by 10%