Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[OpenUI5] SAP Fiori elements add-on for OpenUI5 using an OData V4 service

Recently I found this blog post about the new SAP Fiori elements add-on for OpenUI5.
It includes a little exercise to try it out for yourself. I wrote down all steps I had to make on my Linux Mint 20 installation.
These two links also helped me a lot.

Prerequisites (Node.js, Visual Studio Code, SAP Fiori tools, Git)

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
node --version
npm -v 

Change npm’s default directory to prevent permission errors.

mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
mkdir ~/.npm-global/lib
#add the following line to your .bashrc or .profile or .zshrc
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH

Step 1: Provide an OData V4 service

git clone https://github.com/sap-samples/cloud-cap-samples remote-odata-service
cd remote-odata-service
npm i 
npm i -g @sap/cds-dk
cds watch fiori

Step 2: Generate a SAP Fiori elements List Report Object Page (LROP) app with Fiori tools

1. Open VSC, press Ctrl + P and search for > Fiori: Open Application Generator

2. Choose SAP Fiori elements application
In my case there was no default generator, so first I had to install it.

npm install -g @sap/generator-fiori-elements@latest

This can also be done directly in VSC.

3. Select List Report Object Page
4. Select Connect to an OData Service as Data source and enter as URL http://localhost:4004/browse
5. Choose Books as the Main entity and texts as Navigation entity
6. Complete the mandatory information module name (e.g. bookshop) and Project folder path for storing your app. Of course, you can also fill in the optional information.

Step 3: Make changes in package.json and ui5.yaml required for using OpenUI5


	"name": "fiorielements_openui5",
	"version": "0.0.1",
	"private": true,
	"sapux": true,
	"description": "A Fiori application.",
	"keywords": [
	"main": "webapp/index.html",
	"scripts": {
		"start": "fiori run --open index.html",
		"start-local": "fiori run --config ./ui5-local.yaml --open index.html",
		"build": "ui5 build -a --clean-dest --include-task=generateManifestBundle generateCachebusterInfo",
		"deploy": "fiori add deploy-config"
	"devDependencies": {
		"@sap/ux-specification": "latest",
		"@sap/ux-ui5-tooling": "1",
		"@ui5/cli": "2.5.0",
		"@ui5/fs": "2.0.1",
		"@ui5/logger": "2.0.0"
	"ui5": {
		"dependencies": [
	"dependencies": {
		"@sap/open.fe": "1.85.0"


specVersion: '2.2'
  name: 'fiorielements_openui5'
type: application
  name: OpenUI5  
  version: "1.85.0"  
  - name: sap.m  
  - name: sap.ui.core  
  - name: sap.uxap
  - name: themelib_sap_fiori_3
  - name: fiori-tools-proxy
    afterMiddleware: compression
      ignoreCertError: false # If set to true, certificate errors will be ignored. E.g. self-signed certificates will be accepted
      - path: /browse
        url: http://localhost:4004
  - name: fiori-tools-appreload
    afterMiddleware: compression
     port: 35729
     path: webapp

Step 4: Run the V4 application

cd ~/projects/fiorielements_openui5
npm i
npm start

Now http://localhost:8080/index.html should be opened in your browser.
“Note: Clicking on the Go button in List Report application might request  user and password. Please enter user alice, no password.”
Finally I got my list items.

[SAPUI5] Busy Dialog

onInit: function () {
	this._oModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();

onButtonPress: function (oEvent) {
	//get Data
	var sPath = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext().sPath;
	var oData = this.getView().getModel().getObject(sPath);
	var that = this;

	//busy on
	this._busyDialog = new sap.m.BusyDialog({});

	this._oModel.create("/DataSet", oData, {
			success: function (oData) {
			error: function (oError) {

[SAPUI5] MyInbox: Integration of Detail View – EmbedIntoDetail

https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2305401 (App to App Navigation CookBook.pdf)



Go to /n/ui2/fpld_cust and define a second target for your App, i.e. approve.

The approve target needs the “emdedIntoDetails” parameter:


Add the new target for your WF Task. Here you have access to all attributes of your Workitem-Container. Pass all your mandatory fields you’ve defined in your oData Entity.

Some examples: https://blogs.sap.com/2016/05/31/my-inbox-open-task-swfvisu-configuration/

If your missing some parameters, just add them in your Workitem Task and pass the values directly into it right from your Workflow Container. This looks much better.


Add a route to navigate via Inbox. The pattern has to match your inbox url.

			"routes": [
					"pattern": "",
					"name": "master",
					"target": "master"
					"pattern": "DataSet/{Pernr},{Datum},{Infty}",
					"name": "object",
					"target": [
					"pattern": "detail/LOCAL_INBOX/{wfInstanceId}/{taskPath}",
					"name": "wfobject",
					"target": "object"


	onInit: function () {
			// Model used to manipulate control states. The chosen values make sure,
			// detail page is busy indication immediately so there is no break in
			// between the busy indication for loading the view's meta data
			var oViewModel = new JSONModel({
				busy: false,
				delay: 0

			this.getRouter().getRoute("object").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this);

			//My Inbox Integration
			this.getRouter().getRoute("wfobject").attachPatternMatched(this._onWFObjectMatched, this);

			this.setModel(oViewModel, "detailView");



		_onWFObjectMatched: function (oEvent) {
			this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "MidColumnFullScreen");
			var compData = this.getOwnerComponent().getComponentData();

			if (compData && compData.startupParameters && compData.startupParameters.PERNR && Array.isArray(compData.startupParameters.PERNR) &&
				compData.startupParameters.PERNR[0]) {

				var sPernr = compData.startupParameters.PERNR[0];
				var sDatum = compData.startupParameters.DATUM[0];
				var sInfty = compData.startupParameters.INFTY[0];


				this.getModel().metadataLoaded().then(function () {
					var sObjectPath = this.getModel().createKey("/DataSet", {
						Pernr: sPernr,
						Datum: sDatum,
                                          Infty: sInfty


[SAPUI5] uncheck checkbox if another one is selected


<Checkbox id="Checkbox1" selected="{ path:'oModel>CB1' }" select="handleOrderSelected"></Checkbox>	
<Checkbox id="Checkbox2" selected="{ path:'oModel>CB2' }" select="handleRejectSelected"></Checkbox>


	handleOrderSelected: function (oEvent) {
		//Wenn Checkbox1 selektiert, setze Checkbox2 auf false.
		var bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
		if (bSelected) {
			var bindingContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("oModel");
			this.oModelTemplate.setProperty("CB2", "", bindingContext, false);

	handleRejectSelected: function (oEvent) {
		//Wenn Checkbox2 selektiert, setze Checkbox1 auf false.
		var bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
		if (bSelected) {
			var bindingContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("oModel");
			this.oModelTemplate.setProperty("CB1", "", bindingContext, false);

[SAPUI5] Copy Table Row

Button für das Kopieren einer Zeile hinzufügen.

<Table id="itemsTable" items="{oModel>/ITEMS}">
      <Column id="splitColumn" hAlign="Center" demandPopin="false">
            <Text text="{i18n>SPLIT}"/>
                  <Button press="onSplitPressed" id="SPLIT_ROW" icon="{= ${oModel>CUSTOM_ITEM} === true ? 'sap-icon://delete' : 'sap-icon://add'}"/>

Nur neu hinzugefügte Zeilen sollen auch wieder gelöscht werden dürfen, daher werden manuell hinzugefügte Zeilen markiert mit CUSTOM_ITEM = True;
Via Expression Binding wird dann das erforderliche Icon bestimmt.

onSplitPressed: function (oEvent) {
		var oContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("oModel");
		var path = oContext.getPath();
		var oModel = oContext.getModel();
		var oItems = oModel.getProperty("/ITEMS");
		var index = path.substr(path.length - 1);

		//selektiertes Item lesen
		var oItem = oModel.getProperty(path);

		//was soll passieren? Zeile hinzufügen oder entfernen?
		if (oItem.CUSTOM_ITEM !== true) {

			//Neues Item anlegen
			var oNewItem = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oItem));
			//Markiere neue Zeile, da nur diese auch wieder gelöscht werden darf
			oNewItem.CUSTOM_ITEM = true;
			// +1 weil Zeile soll ja nach der Aktuellen einfügt werden
			oItems.splice(index, 0, oNewItem);

		} else {
			// Item löschen
			oItems.splice(index, 1);

		oModel.setProperty("/ITEMS", oItems);

[Fiori] Debug standard Fiori App

When opening the Dev-Tools for a SAP standard Fiori App, it will look like this:

You won’t see any controller.js to debug.
What to do? Close the Debugger-Tools and hit CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P to open the Technical Information Dialog

Check the Checkbox (or choose a specific controller) and reload the app.

It reloads with a new URL parameter and if you open the Dev-Tools, you will now see the controller.js.

Other options to debug or at least to collect some information about your app are the UI5 Diagnostics (hit CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S) and the UI5 Inspector which is a Brower Addon.

[SAPUI5] Formatting numbers

a few examples: https://github.com/brooklynb7/HTML5/blob/master/sapui5-dist-static/test-resources/sap/ca/ui/demokit/explored/views/type/number.view.xml

number="{ model : 'income', path : 'Cost', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Integer', formatOptions: {groupingEnabled: true} }"
numberUnit="EUR" />

[SAPUI5] Deploying the ui5 sample app on debian

I’m deploying the openui5-sample-app to a Linux Container running Debian Buster. First update the packages and install Node.js.

apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt install curl -y
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash -
apt install nodejs -y
nodejs --version

Install PM2 (process manager to manage Node.js applications) and the UI5 Tooling

npm install pm2 -g
npm install --global @ui5/cli

Now clone the openui5-sample-app and build it

apt install git
git clone https://github.com/SAP/openui5-sample-app.git
cd openui5-sample-app/
ui5 build -a
cd ..

Run your project on port 8000. With “startup” it will automatically create a systemd script.

pm2 serve openui5-sample-app/dist/ 8000
pm2 startup
pm2 save
systemctl start pm2-root
systemctl status pm2-root