Da ich nur selten mit dem OM arbeite, vergessen ich immer wieder, wie man das OM “umdreht”, wenn man eine Person ausgewählt hat. Also die Anzeige von P – S – O umkehrt auf O – S – P.
Dabei ist es total einfach! Die Org. Einheit markieren und links oben in der Toolbar auf den Dropdown Button (Springen) gehen und Besetzungsplan (Struktur) auswählen und man erhält die gewünschte Ansicht.
Category: SAP
[ABAP] Fill range table directly from select statement
SELECT @if_fsbp_const_range=>sign_include AS sign,
@if_fsbp_const_range=>option_equal AS option,
bukrs AS low,
CAST( @space AS CHAR( 4 ) ) AS high
FROM t001
INTO TABLE @DATA(range_of_comp_codes).
cl_demo_output=>display( range_of_comp_codes ).
Got this snippet from George Drakos talk from the ABAPConf 2024. Check his Github.
[HR] A1-Meldeverfahren
Gute Zusammenfassung: https://www.iprocon.de/abbildung-des-a1-meldeverfahrens-in-sap-hcm/
2682093 – Informationen zur Umsetzung des A1-Meldeverfahrens im SAP-System (siehe auch das PDF im Hinweis)
2730927 – A1-Verfahren: Hilfestellung zum Customizing
2841779 – A1-Verfahren: ESS-Szenario (Web-Dynpro ABAP) (Paket PAOC_ESS_A1_DE)
Die Datenerfassung der Antragsdaten erfolgt im Infotyp: 0700 (Elektronischer Datenaustausch)
- DXA1 (A1: Antrag Entsendebescheinigung)
- DXAV (A1: Antrag Ausnahmevereinbarung)
Reports zur Erstellung der Meldungen und der Meldedateien:
- Personal → Personalabrechnung → Europa → Deutschland → Folgeaktivitäten → Periodenunabhängig → Abrechnungszusatz → A1-Meldeverfahren → Ausgangsmeldungen
Reports zur Verarbeitung der Eingangsmeldungen:
- Personal → Personalabrechnung → Europa → Deutschland → Folgeaktivitäten → Periodenunabhängig → Abrechnungszusatz → A1-Meldeverfahren → Eingangsmeldungen
Behördenkommunikation (B2A): Transaktion PB2A
- Personal → Personalabrechnung → Europa → Deutschland → Folgeaktivitäten → Periodenunabhängig → Behördenkommunikation (B2A) → B2A-Manager
Hilfreiche Entwicklungsobjekte
Paket: P01S
Für mich hilfreich waren folgenden Klassen:
- CL_HRPAYDE_A1_NOTIF (Klasse für A1-Meldungen)
- CL_HRPAYDE_A1_NOTIF_DISPLAYER (ALV-Ausgabe für A1-Meldungen)
- CL_HRPAYDE_A1_ALV_EVNT_HANDLER (Ereignisbehandler für A1-spezifische Ereignisse)
PDFs der A1-Meldungen von Datenbank lesen
*& Tabellen A1-Meldeverfahren:
*& P01A1_STAT - A1-Verfahren: Verwaltungstabelle
*& P01A1_RAWDATA - A1-Verfahren: Rohdaten einer Meldung
GET peras.
SELECT * INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_p01a1_stat) FROM p01a1_stat
WHERE pernr = @pernr-pernr
AND mdtyp = '2'
AND status = '23'
AND mzbeg <= @pn-endda
AND mzbeg >= @pn-begda.
LOOP AT lt_p01a1_stat INTO DATA(ls_p01a1_stat).
SELECT SINGLE * INTO @DATA(ls_p01a1_rawdata) FROM p01a1_rawdata
WHERE guid = @ls_p01a1_stat-guid
AND lfdnr = ( SELECT MAX( lfdnr ) FROM p01a1_rawdata WHERE guid = @ls_p01a1_stat-guid ). "höchste lfdnr nehmen
DATA(pdf_xstring) = ls_p01a1_rawdata-rawdata.
[ABAP] Read attendance/absence quotas
DATA pernr TYPE pernr_d VALUE 1.
DATA(time_accounts) = cl_hcmfab_att_abs_bl_apis=>get_instance( )->read_time_accounts( iv_pernr = pernr
iv_begda = sy-datum
iv_endda = sy-datum ). "iv_endda is never used!
cl_demo_output=>display( time_accounts ).
Although there is an obligatory iv_endda
parameter, it is never used inside of method read_time_accounts
. Instead, there is some logic which checks for a T77S0 Parameter, and it will use either highdate
or begda
as endda
IMO, it would have made sense to mark iv_endda
as optional, so it would be downward compatible and the parameter could be omitted on newer releases. Now it is a bit misleading.
[ABAP] REDUCE as an alternative to line_exists for the use of other comparison operators such as >, <, >=, <=, CS, CN
By using line_exists
you can check if a line exists or not exists, but it is not possible to use other comparison operators. A workaround can be REDUCE
in that case.
In the following snippet, we want to check if there is a flight that costs more than $1000,
SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(flights).
* Check if flight with price > 1000 exist
IF REDUCE abap_bool( INIT price_gt_1000 = abap_false
FOR line IN flights WHERE ( price > 1000 )
NEXT price_gt_1000 = abap_true ) EQ abap_true.
" flight with price > 1000 exists
[ABAP] Creating a range using the VALUE operator in a short form
* normal way
DATA(rs1) = VALUE tt_rsdsselopt( ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'one' )
( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'two' )
( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = 'three' ).
* short way
DATA(rs1) = VALUE tt_rsdsselopt( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' ( low = 'one' )
( low = 'two' )
( low = 'three' ) ).
[Workflow] How do delete a Workflow in status COMPLETED
While searching for a way to delete a workflow, I came across this blog post: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/how-to-logically-delete-workflows/ba-p/12991725
Unfortunately, logically deleting workflows is only possible when the workflow is not in the status COMPLETED.
Since my workflow was already in this state, I had to find another way, and found it with transaction code SWWL. Simply find the unique Identification of the top level workitem via t-code SWIA and then use it in SWWL. When running the report, you will first get a list, then simply select the result items you want to delete and hit the trash icon, or restart the selection and check the flag for Delete immediately.
[ABAP] CATS – Difference between two times (CATSHOURS)
I had to calculate the difference between two times, even if the end time goes beyond the 0 o’clock day limit, e.g. 20:00 to 02:00 should be 6h. I found the following two function modules doing the job:
* Option 1
pernr = pernr
date = date
row = row
return = return
catshours = catshours
beguz = beguz
enduz = enduz
vtken = vtken.
* Option 2 (I think it's only available on S/4 HANA)
catshours = catshours
beguz = beguz
enduz = enduz.
[HR] My Overtime Requests
Here are the notes I took while investigating SAP’s relatively ‘new’ overtime apps.
SAP Fiori for SAP Business Suite
– My Overtime Requests (Fiori 2.0)
– Approve Overtime Requests (Fiori 2.0)
– My Overtime Requests (Fiori 2.0)
– Approve Overtime Requests (Fiori 2.0)
SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library
– F4939
– F4937
– PAOC_TIM_OVERTIMEQTA_REQ_CORE (Mein Mehrarbeitskontingent: Core-Funktionen)
– PAOC_TIM_OVERTIMEQTA_REQ_UIA (UIA = User Interface Adapter)
– PAOC_TM_TIMEDATE_REQ_CORE (Zeitdatenanforderung: Core-Funktionen)
It is recommended to run the reports RPT_OVT_POST and RPT_OVT_EMAIL as a job.
Using RPT_OVT_UIA_TEST, you can simply simulate Overtime Requests in the backend to test your customizing.
– WS02400057 (PT_OVTREQ)
Cluster Tables
“On Behalf of” is supported
– 2806560
SPRO → Personnel Management → Employee Self-Service (Web Dynpro ABAP) → Service-Specific Settings → Working Time → My Overtime Requests.
Adjusting the Fiori UI
If you want to hide fields in the Fiori frontend, or you want to adjust some labels, you can simply do this via Customizing:
My Overtime Requests → Layout of the Web Application → Define Field Selection
Multi-Level Approval for Time Data Requests (HRPT_B_TMD_MULTI_APPROVERS)
The BAdI is called when opening the My Overtime Request App and a second time when clicking on the New
Button to create a new OVT request. It’s not triggered when sending the request, what I initially expected.
To reuse the code from the sample class,
* "Determine approver level
* DATA(cust_key_request_fields) = VALUE cl_hrpt_ovt_const=>ovt_cust_key_request_fields( pernr = iv_pernr
* ktart = iv_subtype
* date = is_request_period-start_date ).
* TRY.
* DATA(approval_settings) = cl_hrpt_ovt_cust_factory=>get_customizing_reader( )->get_approval_settings( REF #( cust_key_request_fields ) ).
* CATCH cx_hrpt_tmd.
* IF approval_settings-use_multiple_approver = abap_false.
* "If no last approvers exist, use line manager, HR BP and HR Admin by default
* im_objid = iv_pernr
* es_approver = line_manager
* ev_has_manager = approver_exists.
* IF approver_exists = abap_true.
* last_seqnr = last_seqnr + 1.
* line_manager-seqnr = last_seqnr.
* APPEND line_manager TO rt_approver_tab.
* IF lines( rt_approver_tab ) >= approval_settings-approver_level.
you have to set the amount of approval steps in the customizing.
Custom Workflow
If you want to replace the default Workflow WS02400057 (PT_OVTREQ) with a custom one, you must adjust the customizing (as described here for the standard WF), and you’ll need to create a new BAdI Implementation for HCMFAB_MYOTQ_APPROVAL_INBOX
to get the Approve and Rejects Buttons working by providing the Workflow-ID and decision Step-ID.
Although it should be possible to extend both Fiori Apps via Adaptation Projects, I was unable to do so. Either it’s a problem with the new adaption editor, which got new released while writing the blog, or it is a problem with the apps itself. Whatever I tried, I was always running in issues.
Therefore, I did it the “classic” way and created an Extension Project and used the provided Extension Points. For the Approval App, I was unable to preview the application directly in BAS, perhaps because it is only an Inbox integration and does not run standalone. I therefore always had to deploy, to test my changes.