Win + Shift + S to take a screenshot of a specific area
Win + Shift + R to create a short video
Bonus: Holding Alt while pressing Print will only take a screenshot of the current active window. And you can also use Win + V to set up clipboard history so you can take 3 screenshots at once then post them all at the same time.
Somehow the onboard Bluetooth of my Motherboard stopped working, but the Wi-Fi was still working fine. This confused me because both are provided by the Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 card. The blueman-manager simply could not find the Bluetooth device anymore. Also, when running the command rfkill, it was just listing the Wi-Fi device. The second entry was missing (I took the screenshot, after Bluetooth was working again).
Since I had recently upgraded to a new kernel, I assumed this must be the problem. After testing many different kernels, it still didn’t work. Even on a kernel where it definitely worked before.
Then I stumbled across this thread Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX200 Bluetooth Stopped Working Yet Wifi is still fine. The last commenter solved his issue by unplugging the Intel Wi-Fi Card from his Motherboard and plugging it back in. To be honest, I’m not even sure if this is possible on my motherboard, as it is some onboard thing directly on the board. But this post leads me to reconnect the external antenna, which is connected with two cables on the back of the PC. Since Wi-Fi was still working all along, I did not expect anything from it, but after turning the PC back on, suddenly Bluetooth was working again. WTF! No idea how this is possible, as I have used Bluetooth and WI-FI for many months without the external antenna. Fortunately, however, it works again.
Bei einer Abwesenheit wie z.B. Urlaub, die über eine Monatsgrenze oder über einige Feiertage hinweg geht, kann es hilfreich sein, die konkreten Abtragungen einzusehen, um zu verstehen, welche Tage in dem Zeitraum denn wirklich Urlaub waren.
Dazu einfach die Abwesenheit öffnen in der PA20 und auf Springen → Abtragungen (Shift+F8) gehen.
Man kann die Kontingentabtragung auch für das komplette Kontingent eines Jahres einsehen via IT2006.
Die zugehörige Datenbanktabelle ist PTQUODED. Um die Abträge für eine bestimmte Abwesenheitsart zu selektieren, muss noch ein JOIN auf die PA2001 über die DOCNR gemacht werden. Zumindest ist das der einzige Weg, den ich herausfinden konnte. 🙂
SELECT SUM( a~quode )
FROM ptquoded AS a
JOIN pa2001 AS b
ON a~pernr = b~pernr
AND a~docnr = b~docnr
INTO DATA(urlaubsabtrag)
WHERE a~pernr = pernr-pernr
AND a~datum BETWEEN pn-begda AND pn-endda
AND b~subty = 0100. " Abwesenheitsart, welche Selektiert werden soll
Just noticed that you can preview files when selecting a file and pressing the space bar on the keyboard. It works for images, docs, audio, videos and even PDF files. You can simply close the preview using ESC. Really handy!
I recently bought a used Xiaomi Pad 5 for 139.99€ from It arrived in perfect condition. The latest official Android version by Xiaomi is Android 13 with MIUI 14.0.5. This is kinda old, and I directly ran into an issue due to the old webview version in combination with the Home Assistant app (see here).
I therefore looked for a custom ROM and the first ROM I found for this device was DerpFest. I’ve never used it before, but flashing it shouldn’t be too different from other ROMs. There are not much information on their website, but I found everything needed to know in their related telegram group:
Unlocking the bootloader for Xiaomi devices can be annoying, but turned out, the bootloader of my purchased Pad 5 was already unlocked. Great! (Update 10.02.2025: I asked the customer support and apparently they already sell all devices unlocked. Good to know!)
To make my life even simpler, I used the Auto-Installer shell script to install DerpFest 15. Unfortunately, it was running into an error, but it was easy to fix. (Seems like there is already a fixed version when downloading from GitHub here).
# make it executable
sudo chmod +x
# start script
# resulted in the error: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter
# fix
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
Then the script ran without any issues.
When starting the device the first time, I skipped the Google Login step, so I wasn’t able to use the Play Store. But since not even a web browser is installed by default (which I think is really great to not be bloated from the beginning :-), I had to enable USB-Debugging mode and sideload F-Droid to install basic apps like a file explorer and browser.
adb install F-Droid.apk
The Tablet is running super smooth and so far I could not find any issues! 🙂
“This PowerShell script creates shortcuts to all special shell folders, named folders, task links, system settings, deep links, and URL protocols in Windows, providing easy access to a wide range of system settings and features.”
I recently had to find the last day of the previous month. I found the Method get_last_day_prev_month of class cl_bs_period_toolset_basics doing the job. The actual logic is super simple:
That’s why I thought about whether I needed a separate method at all, or whether I could do it directly in a one-liner. My first idea was to use the LET operator in combination with CONV (Option 2). This works, but does not look very intuitive, and I noticed it can be done even simpler without using LET (Option 3). And if you already have a typed variable, you can do it even shorter with a single CONV (Option 4).
Now with the migration to a new server running Ubuntu 24.04, I had to redo the steps and noticed three minor differences.
# The .ssh folder and authorized_keys file did not exist per default
mkdir .ssh
sudo nano .ssh/authorized_keys
# The systemd command to restart the ssh service
sudo systemctl restart ssh.service
# Insted of netstat I had to use 'ss' to monitor the tcp ports
watch -n 0.5 "ss -tulpn"
Since I’m really not a Linux or command line expert and would surely forget about it otherwise, I’m writing it down for my next server migration 🙂
In my TrueNAS Server I use an ASRock Rack C2550D4I motherboard, which is quite old. It has a Java IPMI Interface, which was/is really handy. The problem is that it requires an old version of Java, and I haven’t had a computer in the household with Java installed at all for a few years, let alone a version that old. But luckily I recently stumbled across this docker project:
The setup is super easy and with the help of this cool project, I can finally use the IPMI functionality of my NAS again.