Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] SAPUI5 Filter using FilterOperator.Contains with oData V2

In my SAPUI5 Freesstyle frontend I created a search field above a list. In the searchfield handler I’m creating a filter with the provided query.

const sQuery = oEvent.getParameter("query");
new Filter("firstName", FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery);

Afterwards I’m binding the filter to my list to trigger the binding refresh. But when debugging the backend handler I noticed the following…

In my CAP on Read handler, the filter gets converted into a V4 compatible filter expression:

oData V4: $filter=contains(firstName,'Max')

As I’m forwarding the request to an external V2 oData API (SuccessFactors) this would not work, as for V2 the following filter syntax is needed:

oData V2: $filter=substringof('Max',firstName) eq true

As I could not find any solution to this problem, I manually passed my filter as custom property to my CAP Service and did a manual select.

Adding the custom property in the frontend in my searchfield handler:

onSearch: function (oEvent) {
			if (oEvent.getParameters().refreshButtonPressed) {

			let oBindingInfo = this._oList.getBindingInfo("items");
			if (!oBindingInfo.parameters) oBindingInfo.parameters = {};
			if (!oBindingInfo.parameters.custom) oBindingInfo.parameters.custom = {};

			if (oEvent.getParameter("query")) {
				oBindingInfo.parameters.custom.filter = "%" + oEvent.getParameter("query") + "%";
			} else {
				oBindingInfo.parameters.custom.filter = undefined

My CAP handler with the filter handling:

const { Object } = srv.entities
const SF_Srv = await cds.connect.to('SF')

srv.on('READ', Object, async req => {

            if (!req._queryOptions.filter) {
                // share request context with the external service 
                return SF_Srv.tx(req).run(req.query);
            } else {
                //if filter provided, build manually a select statement using a where condition
                let input = req._queryOptions.filter;
                const tx = SF_Srv.transaction(req);
                return await tx.run(
                        .where`firstName like ${input} or lastName like ${input}`)

As alternative you could also add the where condition directly to the query object:

const { Object } = srv.entities
const SF_Srv = await cds.connect.to('SF')

srv.on('READ', Object, async req => {

            if (req._query.filter) {
                //if filter provided, build manually a select statement using a where condition
                let { query } = req
                let input = req._queryOptions.filter

                if (!query.SELECT.where) query.SELECT["where"] = []

                    { ref: ['firstName'] }, 'like', { val: input }, "or",
                    { ref: ['lastName'] }, 'like', { val: input }, "or",
                    { ref: ['object'] }, 'like', { val: input })

            // share request context with the external service 
            return SF_Srv.tx(req).run(req.query)

[CAP] Using a Tree in SAPUI5 Freestyle app

The following Links helped me implementing the tree functionality:



Define the data model in data-model.cds

entity Node {
    key NodeID         : Integer;
        HierarchyLevel : Integer;
        ParentNodeID   : Integer;
        Description    : String;
        drillState     : String;

Create testdata in my.test-Node.csv


and deploy the testdata to your local sql db

cds deploy --to sqlite:db/test.db

Service Definition in test-service.cds

using my.test as db from '../db/data-model';

service testService {
     entity Nodes as projection on db.Node;

add the Tree controll to your Fiori UI view Tree.view.xml

		    items="{path: '/Nodes',
				    parameters : {
		                countMode: 'Inline',
                        numberOfExpandedLevels: 3, 
                        treeAnnotationProperties: { 
                                                    hierarchyLevelFor : 'HierarchyLevel', 
                                                    hierarchyNodeFor : 'NodeID', 
                                                    hierarchyParentNodeFor : 'ParentNodeID', 
                                                    hierarchyDrillStateFor : 'drillState' 
			<StandardTreeItem title="{Description}"/>

The output should be similar to this:

[CAP] Add SQLite DB for development

# install SQLite
npm i sqlite3 -D 

# create db, save configuration in package.json, stores mock data into db
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/my-app.db

# test cds deploy command with --dry. Displays ever table and view it creates
cds deploy --to sqlite:db/my-app.db --dry

# get and overview of your tables with .tables
sqlite3 db/my-app.db .tables

# open and view newly created db
sqlite3 db/my-app.db -cmd .dump

# and select single field with
SELECT field FROM mytable WHERE mykeyfield= "00505601194D1EE9B7BFC518B85";

# update a field with
UPDATE mytable SET field = "test" WHERE mykeyfield= "00505601194D1EE9B7BFC518B85";