Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[Terminal] Bash script to add leading season and episode numbers by parsing from file names

I had some videos in the format “My Episode #01.mkv” which I wanted to rename to “S01E01 My Episode #01.mkv“. This little script did the job for me:

# Specify the directory containing the files. For current directory use: $(dirname "$0")

# Loop through all .mkv files in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*.{webm,mkv}; do
    # Check if the file exists to avoid errors when no files match
    [ -e "$file" ] || continue
    # Extract the base filename (without the directory path)
    filename=$(basename "$file")

    # Use regex to find the episode number (e.g., #01, #02)
    if [[ $filename =~ \#([0-9]+) ]]; then

        # Pad the episode number with a leading zero if it's a single digit
        if [ ${#episode_number} -eq 1 ]; then
        # Construct the new filename
        new_filename="S01E${episode_number} $filename"
        # Rename the file
        mv "$file" "$directory/$new_filename"
        echo "Renamed: $filename -> $new_filename"

[CAP] Download MTA deployment logs after deployment

With this simple command, you can download the MTA deployment logs of your recent deployment. Instead of manually having to use cf dmol -i <operation id>, just save the command (replace appId with your Id) as a shell script, make it executable (chmod +x) and run the script after your deployment. It stores the recent logs into the folder logs.

dmol is short for download-mta-op-logs

cf download-mta-op-logs --mta <appId> --last 1 -d logs  

To just have a quick look at the recent logs, use

cf logs <appId>-srv --recent

[Terminal] Shorcut overview

Further shortcuts:

Ctrl-LCleans the screen
Ctrl-YPastes back the stuff erased by Ctrl-K or Ctrl-U
Ctrl-CAborts a application
Ctrl-ZSuspend a application. Resume it again by fg (resume in foreground) and bg (resume in background).
Use jobs if you have multiple suspended applications and use fg %# (where # is the job number) to get it back on screen or end it with kill %#.
Ctrl-Dis same as typing exit
Pos1like Ctrl-A
Endlike Ctrl-E
Ctrl-RSearch terminal history
Ctrl-GExit searching terminal history

Some of the shortcuts are also recognized by other applications, like Ctrl-U on Ubuntu’s graphical login screen.