Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[CAP] min and max functions

Since there is nothing in the official CAP documentation about min and max functions, I figured out the following syntax:

    const result1 = await cds.run(`SELECT *, MAX(seqNr) FROM ${myTable} LIMIT 1`) //returns array

    const result2 = await SELECT.one.from(myTable, [`MAX(seqNr)`]).columns('*') //returns object 

    const result3 = await SELECT.one.from(myTable).columns('MAX(seqNr)') //returns object containing only the max counter value

[ABAP] Display Table data as HTML

REPORT z_table_to_html.


    SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(flights) UP TO 100 ROWS.

    cl_demo_output=>write_data( flights ).

    DATA(lv_html) = cl_demo_output=>get( ).

    cl_abap_browser=>show_html( title       = 'Flights'
                                html_string = lv_html
                                container   = cl_gui_container=>default_screen ).

    " force cl_gui_container=>default_screen
    WRITE: space.

  CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(e).
    WRITE: / e->get_text( ).

[SuccessFactors] Check if IAS is activated for a tenant

Go to Upgrade Center, select Platform in the Filter By Dropdown. In the Optional Upgrades Column, search for:

Initiate the SAP Cloud Identity Services Identity Authentication Service Integration

If the entry exists, IAS is not yet set up. If it does not exist, the IAS configuration is probably already done.

[ABAP] Get URL for BSP Page

    cl_http_ext_webapp=>create_url_for_bsp_application( EXPORTING bsp_application      = bsp_application            " Name der BSP Applikation
                                                                  bsp_start_page       = bsp_start_page             " Startseite der BSP Applikation
                                                                  bsp_start_parameters = bsp_start_parameters       " Startparameter der BSP Applikation
                                                        IMPORTING abs_url              = DATA(lv_absolute_url ).    " Absolute URL (Protokol, Host, Port, ...) der BSP Applikation

[ABAP] Display PDF in HTML Control

      buffer     = lv_xstring "pdf data
      binary_tab = lt_data.  

 DATA(o_html) = NEW cl_gui_html_viewer( parent = o_parent ).

* URL zu HTML holen
  DATA: lv_url TYPE swk_url.
  o_html->load_data( EXPORTING type         = 'BIN'
                               subtype      = 'PDF'
                     IMPORTING assigned_url = lv_url
                     CHANGING  data_table   = lt_data ).
* HTML anzeigen
  o_html->show_url( lv_url ).

[CAP] Posting form data to a destination using executeHttpRequest

        const { executeHttpRequest } = require('@sap-cloud-sdk/http-client')
        const FormData = require('form-data')

        try {
            //Create payload
            const form = new FormData()
            form.append('file', fileContent, {
                contentType: 'application/pdf'
                filename: 'test.pdf'

            //Create headers
            const headers = {
                'Content-Length': form.getLengthSync(),

            //Send to Destination
            const response = await executeHttpRequest(
                { destinationName: 'TESTINATION' },
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: 'myApiPath',
                    headers: headers,
                    data: form,
                    responseType: 'arraybuffer' // if you need the response data as buffer to prevent UTF-8 encoding
        } catch (error) {

[CAP] Fiori Elements – Add section with PDFViewer

I have a CAP Service that provides a PDF file that I needed to display in a Fiori Elements frontend using the sap.m.PDFViewer. The viewer should be placed in a section on the object page after navigating from the ListReport main page.

My CAP Service has the following annotations to provide the PDF.

  entity pdfFiles : cuid, managed {
    content            : LargeBinary @stream @Core.MediaType: mediaType @Core.ContentDisposition.Filename: fileName @Core.ContentDisposition.Type: 'inline';
    mediaType          : String      @Core.IsMediaType: true;
    fileName           : String      @mandatory;

Add a custom section to your view following this example: https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/test-resources/sap/fe/core/fpmExplorer/index.html#/customElements/customSectionContent
Two steps are necessary.

1. Add a new section via the manifest. The template path should match your app namespace.

        "ObjectPage": {
          "type": "Component",
          "id": "ObjectPage",
          "name": "sap.fe.templates.ObjectPage",
          "viewLevel": 1,
          "options": {
            "settings": {
              "editableHeaderContent": false,
              "entitySet": "pdfFiles",
             "content": {
                "body": {
                  "sections" : {
                    "myCustomSection": {
                      "template": "sap.fe.core.fpmExplorer.customSectionContent.CustomSection",
                      "title": "{i18n>pdfSection}",
                      "position": {
                        "placement": "After",
                        "anchor": "StandardSection"

2. Add the section content by defining a new fragment in the file CustomSection.fragment.xml

<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:macro="sap.fe.macros">
		<FlexBox direction="Column" renderType="Div" class="sapUiSmallMargin">
			<PDFViewer source="{content}" title="{fileName}" height="1200px">
					<FlexItemData growFactor="1" />

On the ObjectPage you will now have a new section containing the PDFViewer.

[CAP] Fiori Elements – Display managed fields as value help


using {
} from '@sap/cds/common';

entity managedEntity: managed {
    key ID    : UUID;
        field : String;


using myService as service from '../../srv/myService';

annotate service.managedEntity with @(
    Capabilities.SearchRestrictions: {Searchable: false},
    UI.PresentationVariant         : {
        SortOrder     : [{
            Property  : createdAt,
            Descending: true
        Visualizations: ['@UI.LineItem']
    UI.HeaderInfo                  : {
        TypeName      : '{i18n>myEntity}',
        TypeNamePlural: '{i18n>myEntities}',
    UI.SelectionFields             : [
    UI.LineItem                    : [
) {
    createdAt @UI.HiddenFilter : false;
    createdBy @UI.HiddenFilter : false;