const { executeHttpRequest } = require('@sap-cloud-sdk/http-client')
const FormData = require('form-data')
try {
//Create payload
const form = new FormData()
form.append('file', fileContent, {
contentType: 'application/pdf'
filename: 'test.pdf'
//Create headers
const headers = {
'Content-Length': form.getLengthSync(),
//Send to Destination
const response = await executeHttpRequest(
{ destinationName: 'TESTINATION' },
method: 'POST',
url: 'myApiPath',
headers: headers,
data: form,
responseType: 'arraybuffer' // if you need the response data as buffer to prevent UTF-8 encoding
} catch (error) {
Month: July 2023
[Git] Branch Commands
# create branch, switch to it and commit changes
git checkout -b hotfix
git commit -a -m 'Commit changes for fix'
# go back to main branch
git checkout main
# merge branch changes to main
git merge hotfix
# delete branch after merging, as it is not needed anymore
git branch -d hotfix
# check on which branch your are
git status
# list all branches including last commit on each branch
git branch -vv
# check which branches are already merged and which are not
git branch --merged
git branch --no-merged
# rename branche locally
git branch --move bad-branch-name corrected-branch-name
# push new name to github/gitlab
git push --set-upstream origin corrected-branch-name
# displays local and remote branches
git branch --all
# delete remote branch
git push origin --delete bad-branch-name
# push branch to remote
git push origin hotfix
[Android] Upgrading LineageOS 18.1 to 19.1 on my Xiaomi Mi 8 (dipper)
Install the Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
# check if device is found
adb devices
# reboot into sideload modus
adb reboot sideload
Or manually boot into TWRP recovery, holding Volume Up + Power when the phone is off. Navigate to Advanced
-> ADB Sideload
Update MIUI Firmware
Following the docs, I first had to check the Firmware version. V12.0.3.0.QEAMIXM was required, and I already had it installed.
If you’re on an older version, download the right MIUI Firmware for your device from
Flash the new Firmware via TWRP or via ADB sideload.
adb sideload
Download and flash new LineageOS image
I’m using the LineageOS fork LineageOS for microG. Download it from here: (MI 8 = dipper)
The upgrade steps are the same as for the official rom: In my case only flashing the new image.
adb sideload
[CAP] Fiori Elements – Add section with PDFViewer
I have a CAP Service that provides a PDF file that I needed to display in a Fiori Elements frontend using the sap.m.PDFViewer. The viewer should be placed in a section on the object page after navigating from the ListReport main page.
My CAP Service has the following annotations to provide the PDF.
entity pdfFiles : cuid, managed {
content : LargeBinary @stream @Core.MediaType: mediaType @Core.ContentDisposition.Filename: fileName @Core.ContentDisposition.Type: 'inline';
mediaType : String @Core.IsMediaType: true;
fileName : String @mandatory;
Add a custom section to your view following this example:
Two steps are necessary.
1. Add a new section via the manifest. The template path should match your app namespace.
"ObjectPage": {
"type": "Component",
"id": "ObjectPage",
"name": "sap.fe.templates.ObjectPage",
"viewLevel": 1,
"options": {
"settings": {
"editableHeaderContent": false,
"entitySet": "pdfFiles",
"content": {
"body": {
"sections" : {
"myCustomSection": {
"template": "sap.fe.core.fpmExplorer.customSectionContent.CustomSection",
"title": "{i18n>pdfSection}",
"position": {
"placement": "After",
"anchor": "StandardSection"
2. Add the section content by defining a new fragment in the file CustomSection.fragment.xml
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:macro="sap.fe.macros">
<FlexBox direction="Column" renderType="Div" class="sapUiSmallMargin">
<PDFViewer source="{content}" title="{fileName}" height="1200px">
<FlexItemData growFactor="1" />
On the ObjectPage you will now have a new section containing the PDFViewer.

[CAP] Fiori Elements – Display managed fields as value help
using {
} from '@sap/cds/common';
entity managedEntity: managed {
key ID : UUID;
field : String;
using myService as service from '../../srv/myService';
annotate service.managedEntity with @(
Capabilities.SearchRestrictions: {Searchable: false},
UI.PresentationVariant : {
SortOrder : [{
Property : createdAt,
Descending: true
Visualizations: ['@UI.LineItem']
UI.HeaderInfo : {
TypeName : '{i18n>myEntity}',
TypeNamePlural: '{i18n>myEntities}',
UI.SelectionFields : [
UI.LineItem : [
) {
createdAt @UI.HiddenFilter : false;
createdBy @UI.HiddenFilter : false;