“The Quick bar allows you to quickly look up entities or run commands without needing to navigate away from your current view”
A – Assist
C – Command Palette
D – Device Filter
E – Entity Filter
“The Quick bar allows you to quickly look up entities or run commands without needing to navigate away from your current view”
A – Assist
C – Command Palette
D – Device Filter
E – Entity Filter
In January 2020 I bought a Sharkoon PureWriter Keyboard and since then I had the problem that the keyboard got not recognized after my PC (which runs on Linux Mint) was coming back from suspend mode. Back then I couldn’t find a solution and was just hoping that a newer kernel release will fix this problem in the future. But it did not. So today I was searching again and stumbled again across this post, but now I noticed the new answer from April this year. And it finally solved it!
First check with usbreset
for the device name and then create the script under the following path:
sudo micro /lib/systemd/system-sleep/reset-keyboard
case $1 in
usbreset "USB-HID Keyboard"
And as a last step we make it executable:
sudo chmod +x /lib/systemd/system-sleep/reset-keyboard