Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[SAPUI5] Place fields horizontally opposite each other

Because I always forget how to place a field at the beginning of a line and one opposite at the end, I create this post…

The easiest way to do this is using a Flex Box and the property justifyContent like in this sample: https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/entity/sap.m.FlexBox/sample/sap.m.sample.FlexBoxOpposingAlignment

<FlexBox alignItems="Center" width="100%" justifyContent="SpaceBetween">
    <Text text="Text1" textAlign="Begin"/>
    <Text text="Text2" textAlign="End"/>

Another way is a using a Toolbar and a ToolbarSpacer. But of course a Toolbar should only be used, when it makes sense to use a Toolbar.

    <Text text="Text1" textAlign="Begin"/>
    <Text text="Text2" textAlign="End"/>

[VSC] Post form-data via VSC Rest-API Client

Next to the .http file in the same folder, place your .env for hostname and authorization and the file you want to upload.
The parameter name="file" stands for the key that the files should belong to.

### Post form-data
POST {{$dotenv hostname}}/my/endpoint HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {{$dotenv auth_in_base64}}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary
Accept: */*

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="image.png"
Content-Type: image/png

< ./image.png


[CAP] UploadSet http test file

How to create an uploadSet in combination with a CAP backend: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/08/18/my-journey-towards-using-ui5-uploadset-with-cap-backend/

You can test the uploadSet CAP backend part using these http calls:

### Create file
# @name file
POST http://localhost:4004/v2/admin/Files
Authorization: Basic admin:
Content-Type: application/json

    "mediaType": "image/png",
    "fileName": "picture.png",
    "size": 1000

### Fill Variable from Response
@ID = {{file.response.body.$.d.ID}}

### Upload Binary PNG content
PUT http://localhost:4004/v2/admin/Files({{ID}})/content
Authorization: Basic admin:
Content-Type: image/png

< ./picture.png

### Get uploaded png
GET http://localhost:4004/v2/admin/Files({{ID}})/content
Authorization: Basic admin:

The picture.png file must be in the same folder as the http test file.