Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[Wireguard] Preparing Proxmox Host for Wireguard in LXC

I followed this guide for using Wireguard inside LXC on Proxmox. (Also helpfull)

echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list
printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable
apt update
apt install wireguard

But as i ran “modprobe wireguard” I just got:

modprobe: FATAL: Module wireguard not found in directory /lib/modules/5.0.15-1-pve

So I ran “dkms autoinstall”… but no success.

Error! Your kernel headers for kernel 5.0.15-1-pve cannot be found.
Please install the linux-headers-5.0.15-1-pve package,
or use the --kernelsourcedir option to tell DKMS where it's located

As I run “apt install pve-headers” it installed new pve-headers but for a different kernel:

pve-headers pve-headers-5.0 pve-headers-5.0.21-1-pve

As expected, “modprobe wireguard” still returned

modprobe: FATAL: Module wireguard not found in directory /lib/modules/5.0.15-1-pve

So i checked my current kernel with “uname –kernel-release” and since my last reboot was about two weeks ago, it was running on 5.0.15-1-pve. So I did a reboot, checked the kernel again and now it was on 5.0.21-1-pve. So I did “dkms autoinstall” again, now with success:

Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel.  Skipping...

Building module:
cleaning build area...
make -j4 KERNELRELEASE=5.0.21-1-pve -C /lib/modules/5.0.21-1-pve/build M=/var/lib/dkms/wireguard/0.0.20190702/build..........
cleaning build area...

DKMS: build completed.

Running module version sanity check.
 - Original module
   - No original module exists within this kernel
 - Installation
   - Installing to /lib/modules/5.0.21-1-pve/updates/dkms/


DKMS: install completed.

“modprobe wireguard” now returned no error. I continued the guide with:

echo "wireguard" >> /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf

Entered my already created Debian 10 container and followed the guide:

echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable-wireguard.list
printf 'Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n' > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable
apt update
apt-get install --no-install-recommends wireguard-tools
ip link add wg0 type wireguard

Edit: To get Wireguard working, I also had to add the TUN device to the containers config, like I did for OpenVPN as well.
You’ll find the config here: /etc/pve/lxc/container_name.conf

lxc.cgroup.devices.allow: c 10:200 rwm
lxc.hook.autodev: sh -c "modprobe tun; cd ${LXC_ROOTFS_MOUNT}/dev; mkdir net; mknod net/tun c 10 200; chmod 0666 net/tun"

[Proxmox] Mount dataset into LXC

Open LXC config file in your favorite editor. In this case the container name is 101:

nano /etc/pve/lxc/101.conf

Append a single line for each mountpoint you want to add. The first mountpoint is “mp0”, the second “mp1” and so on.

mp0: /data/music,mp=/mnt/nfs/music

First the source (my zpool “data”, folowing the dataset name “music”), after that the destination inside the container beginning “mp=”.