Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[JavaScript] Find specific object from an array of nested objects

I was again working on a task for my hierarchical tree structure (see previous post here). This time I needed to find a specific object with a specific property value.

So here again my nested array:

const aTreeData = [{
    "NodeId": 1,
    "HierarchyLevel": 1,
    "type": "folder",
    "nodes": [{
        "NodeId": 2,
        "HierarchyLevel": 2,
        "type": "folder",
        "nodes": [{
          "NodeId": 3,
          "HierarchyLevel": 3,
          "type": "category"
        "NodeId": 4,
        "HierarchyLevel": 2,
        "type": "category",
        "nodes": [{
          "NodeId": 5,
          "HierarchyLevel": 3,
          "type": "file"
    "NodeId": 6,
    "HierarchyLevel": 1,
    "type": "folder",
    "nodes": [{
      "NodeId": 7,
      "HierarchyLevel": 2,
      "type": "category"

I needed a function that was able to find any object by providing only the NodeId value. Fortunately I stumbled accross some excellent code snippet by Scott Sauyet which is exactly doing what I needed:


I just had to change the properties to match my objects and it was working!

const findNodeInTreeData = (aTreeData, nodeId) => {
  const deepFind = pred => ([x, ...xs] = []) =>
    x && (pred(x) ? x : deepFind(pred)(x.nodes) || deepFind(pred)(xs))

  const findByNodeId = id => obj =>
    deepFind(o => o.NodeId == id)([obj])

  return findByNodeId(nodeId)(aTreeData[0])

console.log(findNodeInTreeData(aTreeData, 5))