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[SAPUI5] Versioning

SAPUI5 follows Semantic Versioning.

MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (e.g. 1.71.9)

  • Patches are mostly bug fixes.
  • Minor releases bring new features.
  • Major contains incompatible API changes.

Version overviews:

Find detailed patchinfos here:
https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/X.XX.X/patchinfo.html (where X.XX.X is the SAPUI5 version number)
https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/X.XX.X/patchinfo.html (where X.XX.X is the OpenUI5 version number)

Note: “sap.ui.core and sap.m are special, because they are OpenUI5 libraries. Currently, OpenUI5 libraries are always released as a whole. This means that whenever there is a change to be released for any of the OpenUI5 libraries, the new patch includes them all.”

[Fiori] Transactions and Reports




  • Frontend-Services: /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/
  • Backend-Services: /sap/opu/odata/sap/ und /sap/bc/bsp/sap/


sicfPflege des HTTP-Service-Baums
(SAP Internet Communication Framework)
segwSAP Gateway Service Builder
/n/iwbep/view_logSAP Gateway Protokoll-Viewer
/n/iwfnd/gw_clientSAP Gateway Client
/n/iwfnd/apps_logSAP Gateway Anwendungsprotokoll-Viewer
/n/iwfnd/error_logSAP Gateway Fehlerprotokoll
/n/iwfnd/maint_serviceServices aktivieren und verwalten
/n/iwfnd/cache_cleanupBereinigung des Gateway-Modellcache (Frontend)
/n/ui2/custCustomizing für UI-Technologien
/n/ui2/flpSAP Fiori Launchpad
/n/ui2/flcSAP Fiori Launchpad – Prüfungen
/n/ui2/fliaFiori Launchpad: Absichtsanalyse
/n/ui2/flpd_custFiori Launchpad: Designer (mandantenüber.)/n/ui2/flpcm_cust (3170196)
/n/ui2/flpd_confFiori Launchpad: Designer (mandantenabh.)/n/ui2/flpcm_conf (3170196)
/n/ui2/semobjSemantisches Objekt definieren – Kunde
/n/ui2/semobj_sapSemantisches Objekt definieren – SAP
/n/ui2/theme_designerUI Theme Designer
swfvisuWorkflow Visualisierungs-Metadaten
swfvmd1Workflow Visualisierungs-Metadaten