Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[HR] Abwesenheiten (IT2001) – Anzeige Kontingentabtragungen

Bei einer Abwesenheit wie z.B. Urlaub, die über eine Monatsgrenze oder über einige Feiertage hinweg geht, kann es hilfreich sein, die konkreten Abtragungen einzusehen, um zu verstehen, welche Tage in dem Zeitraum denn wirklich Urlaub waren.

Dazu einfach die Abwesenheit öffnen in der PA20 und auf Springen → Abtragungen (Shift+F8) gehen.

Man kann die Kontingentabtragung auch für das komplette Kontingent eines Jahres einsehen via IT2006.

Die zugehörige Datenbanktabelle ist PTQUODED. Um die Abträge für eine bestimmte Abwesenheitsart zu selektieren, muss noch ein JOIN auf die PA2001 über die DOCNR gemacht werden. Zumindest ist das der einzige Weg, den ich herausfinden konnte. 🙂

SELECT SUM( a~quode )
    FROM ptquoded AS a
    JOIN pa2001   AS b
      ON a~pernr = b~pernr
     AND a~docnr = b~docnr
    INTO DATA(urlaubsabtrag)
    WHERE a~pernr = pernr-pernr
     AND a~datum BETWEEN pn-begda AND pn-endda
     AND b~subty = 0100. " Abwesenheitsart, welche Selektiert werden soll

[ABAP] Read personnel area with text

  DATA p0001 TYPE p0001.
  cl_hcmfab_utilities=>read_infotype_record( EXPORTING iv_pernr = pernr
                                                       iv_infty = '0001'
                                             IMPORTING es_pnnnn = p0001 ).
  DATA(personnel_area_id)   = p0001-werks.
  DATA(personnel_area_text) = cl_hr_t500p=>read( p0001-werks )-name1.

Or using the class CL_HCMFAB_EMPLOYEE_API.

  DATA(lv_employee_details) = cl_hcmfab_employee_api=>get_instance( )->get_employee_details( iv_pernr          = pernr
                                                                                             iv_application_id = if_hcmfab_constants=>gc_application_id-mypersonaldata ).
  DATA(personnel_area_id)   = lv_employee_details-personnel_area_id.
  DATA(personnel_area_text) = lv_employee_details-personnel_area_text.

[HR] Infotype – add PBO or PAI logic

There are many ways to add custom logic when processing an Infotype. Here are just a few:


ZXPADU01 – when an infotype is called
ZXPADU02 – when an action is performed on an infotype



  • HRPAD00INFTY (method IN_UPDATE) is called by the old infotype framework (PA30, SAP50UPR)
  • HRPAD00INFTYDB (method UPDATE_DB) is called in the decoupled infotype framework

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTY – Verbucher / Infotyp-Pflege

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTYDB – HR: Stammdaten, Infotype DB Update Logik

“The BAdI is called, after the decoupled infotype framework writes the infotype data to the database. This is done during method FLUSH.”
Note: The Infotypes 2000-2999 are not decoupled yet! More here and here.


[ABAP] Read infotype records

* Read multiple infotype records
DATA: ls_p0001 TYPE p0001,
      lt_p0001 TYPE TABLE OF p0001.

* Initialise Infotyp reader 
cl_hrpa_read_infotype=>get_instance( IMPORTING infotype_reader = DATA(lr_infotype_reader) ).

* Read Infotyp 1
lr_infotype_reader->read( EXPORTING tclas         = 'A'
                                    pernr         = 1
                                    infty         = '0001'
                                    begda         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>low_date
                                    endda         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>high_date
                                    no_auth_check = abap_true
                          IMPORTING infotype_tab  = DATA(lt_infotype)
                                    data_exists   = DATA(lv_data_exists) ).

LOOP AT lt_infotype INTO DATA(ls_infotype).
  cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>prelp_to_pnnnn( EXPORTING prelp = ls_infotype
                                         IMPORTING pnnnn = ls_p0001 ).
  APPEND ls_p0001 TO lt_p0001.

cl_demo_output=>display( lt_p0001 ).
* Read single infotype record
DATA: ls_p0001 TYPE p0001.

* Initialise Infotyp reader
  cl_hrpa_read_infotype=>get_instance( IMPORTING infotype_reader = DATA(lr_infotype_reader) ).

* Read Infotyp 1
  lr_infotype_reader->read_single( EXPORTING tclas         = 'A'
                                             pernr         = 1
                                             infty         = '0001'
                                             subty         = space
                                             objps         = space
                                             sprps         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>unlocked
                                             begda         = '20200101'
                                             endda         = '20200131'
                                             mode          = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>first_record_containing_begda
                                             no_auth_check = abap_true
                                   IMPORTING pnnnn         = ls_p0001 ).

cl_demo_output=>display( ls_p0001 ).