Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[ABAP] Read personnel area with text

  DATA p0001 TYPE p0001.
  cl_hcmfab_utilities=>read_infotype_record( EXPORTING iv_pernr = pernr
                                                       iv_infty = '0001'
                                             IMPORTING es_pnnnn = p0001 ).
  DATA(personnel_area_id)   = p0001-werks.
  DATA(personnel_area_text) = cl_hr_t500p=>read( p0001-werks )-name1.

Or using the class CL_HCMFAB_EMPLOYEE_API.

  DATA(lv_employee_details) = cl_hcmfab_employee_api=>get_instance( )->get_employee_details( iv_pernr          = pernr
                                                                                             iv_application_id = if_hcmfab_constants=>gc_application_id-mypersonaldata ).
  DATA(personnel_area_id)   = lv_employee_details-personnel_area_id.
  DATA(personnel_area_text) = lv_employee_details-personnel_area_text.

[HR] Infotype – add PBO or PAI logic

There are many ways to add custom logic when processing an Infotype. Here are just a few:


ZXPADU01 – when an infotype is called
ZXPADU02 – when an action is performed on an infotype



  • HRPAD00INFTY (method IN_UPDATE) is called by the old infotype framework (PA30, SAP50UPR)
  • HRPAD00INFTYDB (method UPDATE_DB) is called in the decoupled infotype framework

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTY – Verbucher / Infotyp-Pflege

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-2.png

BAdI: HRPAD00INFTYDB – HR: Stammdaten, Infotype DB Update Logik

“The BAdI is called, after the decoupled infotype framework writes the infotype data to the database. This is done during method FLUSH.”
Note: The Infotypes 2000-2999 are not decoupled yet! More here and here.


[ABAP] Read infotype records

* Read multiple infotype records
DATA: ls_p0001 TYPE p0001,
      lt_p0001 TYPE TABLE OF p0001.

* Initialise Infotyp reader 
cl_hrpa_read_infotype=>get_instance( IMPORTING infotype_reader = DATA(lr_infotype_reader) ).

* Read Infotyp 1
lr_infotype_reader->read( EXPORTING tclas         = 'A'
                                    pernr         = 1
                                    infty         = '0001'
                                    begda         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>low_date
                                    endda         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>high_date
                                    no_auth_check = abap_true
                          IMPORTING infotype_tab  = DATA(lt_infotype)
                                    data_exists   = DATA(lv_data_exists) ).

LOOP AT lt_infotype INTO DATA(ls_infotype).
  cl_hr_pnnnn_type_cast=>prelp_to_pnnnn( EXPORTING prelp = ls_infotype
                                         IMPORTING pnnnn = ls_p0001 ).
  APPEND ls_p0001 TO lt_p0001.

cl_demo_output=>display( lt_p0001 ).
* Read single infotype record
DATA: ls_p0001 TYPE p0001.

* Initialise Infotyp reader
  cl_hrpa_read_infotype=>get_instance( IMPORTING infotype_reader = DATA(lr_infotype_reader) ).

* Read Infotyp 1
  lr_infotype_reader->read_single( EXPORTING tclas         = 'A'
                                             pernr         = 1
                                             infty         = '0001'
                                             subty         = space
                                             objps         = space
                                             sprps         = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>unlocked
                                             begda         = '20200101'
                                             endda         = '20200131'
                                             mode          = if_hrpa_read_infotype=>first_record_containing_begda
                                             no_auth_check = abap_true
                                   IMPORTING pnnnn         = ls_p0001 ).

cl_demo_output=>display( ls_p0001 ).