I had to calculate the difference between two times, even if the end time goes beyond the 0 o’clock day limit, e.g. 20:00 to 02:00 should be 6h. I found the following two function modules doing the job:
* Option 1
pernr = pernr
date = date
row = row
return = return
catshours = catshours
beguz = beguz
enduz = enduz
vtken = vtken.
* Option 2 (I think it's only available on S/4 HANA)
catshours = catshours
beguz = beguz
enduz = enduz.
Customizing SPRO → Personnel Management → Employee Self-Service (Web Dynpro ABAP) → Service-Specific Settings → Working Time → My Overtime Requests.
Adjusting the Fiori UI
If you want to hide fields in the Fiori frontend, or you want to adjust some labels, you can simply do this via Customizing: My Overtime Requests → Layout of the Web Application → Define Field Selection
Multi-Level Approval for Time Data Requests (HRPT_B_TMD_MULTI_APPROVERS)
The BAdI is called when opening the My Overtime Request App and a second time when clicking on the New Button to create a new OVT request. It’s not triggered when sending the request, what I initially expected. To reuse the code from the sample class,
* "Determine approver level
* DATA(cust_key_request_fields) = VALUE cl_hrpt_ovt_const=>ovt_cust_key_request_fields( pernr = iv_pernr
* ktart = iv_subtype
* date = is_request_period-start_date ).
* TRY.
* DATA(approval_settings) = cl_hrpt_ovt_cust_factory=>get_customizing_reader( )->get_approval_settings( REF #( cust_key_request_fields ) ).
* CATCH cx_hrpt_tmd.
* IF approval_settings-use_multiple_approver = abap_false.
* "If no last approvers exist, use line manager, HR BP and HR Admin by default
* im_objid = iv_pernr
* es_approver = line_manager
* ev_has_manager = approver_exists.
* IF approver_exists = abap_true.
* last_seqnr = last_seqnr + 1.
* line_manager-seqnr = last_seqnr.
* APPEND line_manager TO rt_approver_tab.
* IF lines( rt_approver_tab ) >= approval_settings-approver_level.
you have to set the amount of approval steps in the customizing.
Custom Workflow
If you want to replace the default Workflow WS02400057 (PT_OVTREQ) with a custom one, you must adjust the customizing (as described here for the standard WF), and you’ll need to create a new BAdI Implementation for HCMFAB_MYOTQ_APPROVAL_INBOX analog HCMFAB_MYOTQ_APPROVAL_INBOX to get the Approve and Rejects Buttons working by providing the Workflow-ID and decision Step-ID.
Although it should be possible to extend both Fiori Apps via Adaptation Projects, I was unable to do so. Either it’s a problem with the new adaption editor, which got new released while writing the blog, or it is a problem with the apps itself. Whatever I tried, I was always running in issues.
Therefore, I did it the “classic” way and created an Extension Project and used the provided Extension Points. For the Approval App, I was unable to preview the application directly in BAS, perhaps because it is only an Inbox integration and does not run standalone. I therefore always had to deploy, to test my changes.
If you have connected any workflows to a pernr via BUS1065 (like it is described here), you can receive all related workflows/workitems related to this pernr via the following code:
NEW cl_def_im_com_bsp_workflow( )->if_ex_com_bsp_workflow~read_workitems_for_object( EXPORTING iv_swo_objtype = 'BUS1065'
iv_swo_objkey = CONV #( lv_pernr )
IMPORTING et_workitems = DATA(lt_workitems) ).
LOOP AT lt_workitems ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<workitems>).
"If you are only interested in specific workflows, you could filter here
"WHERE wi_rh_task = 'WSxxxxxxxx'
"AND wi_stat = 'STARTED'.
NEW /iwwrk/cl_wf_read_workitem( <workitems>-wi_id )->get_wi_container( IMPORTING et_wi_container = DATA(lt_wi_container) ).
" access container items via lt_wi_container[ element = 'IV_PERNR' ]-value
To attach your own workflow in this overview, you have to add the Task TS51900010 to your workflow and pass over the employee number to the Business Object “Employee” (BUS1065)
### Query manager and his employees
GET https://{{my_endpoint}}/odata/v2/User('{{userId}}')?
The SuccessFactors oData v2 API is returning timestamps in Unix Epoch format (unix-style milliseconds since 1/1/1970).
Many timestamp fields are of type Edm.Int64. When receiving the milliseconds as Integer, you can directly create a date-object of it using Date(1658237847).
But some timestamps are of type Edm.DateTimeOffset, i.e.: "createdDate": "/Date(1652252620000+0000)/". When binding a timestamp property with an ODataModel, the internal lib datajs will convert the /Date(...)/ value to a standard JS date-object.
But in my case I manually had to convert the timestamp and this is the shortest way I found to convert the epoch string into a JS date-object.
// SF epoch date string
const SFdateString = '/Date(1652252620000+0000)/'
// remove the '/' on both sides and create the date object
const oDate = eval('new ' + SFdateString .slice(1, -1))
console.log(typeof oDate )
console.log(oDate )
const oDateTimeFormat = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance({
pattern: "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm"
return oDateTimeFormat.format(oDate)
# To fetch the entire metadata of an instance
# Fetch the metadata of specific entity
# Fetch metata of specific entity including navigation properties