The Cockpit ZFS Manager requires Cockpit version 201 or above. In the Debian Buster repository there’s only cockpit version 188, so you have to use the buster backports repository, which contains cockpit version 223.
# install cockpit
echo "deb buster-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backport.list
apt update
apt-get -t buster-backports install cockpit
# add ZFS manager
git clone
cp -r cockpit-zfs-manager/zfs /usr/share/cockpit
# start cockpit
systemctl start cockpit.service
systemctl enable cockpit.service
systemctl status cockpit.service
Now browse to https://ip-address-of-machine:9090 and login.
Thanks for this advise. Was wondering where to get the newer deb from
Just curious if you know. Can you install Cockpit on top of Proxmox without issue. Essentially can Cockpit replace Proxmox as the hypervisor.
Thanks for your work 🙂
Hi Jason,
just did a quick test and installed the “cockpit-machines” package on my proxmox server, but it’s not displaying any KVMs.
So it’s not working out of the box. Maybe it needs some additional configuration.