Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[JavaScript] Switch Statement

Note: Case values are tested with strict equality (===)

/* Default Option in Switch Statements */
var result = "";
switch (num) {
  case 1:
    result = "1";
  case 2:
    result = "2";
    result = "3 or more";

/* Multiple Identical Options in Switch Statements */
var result = "";
switch(val) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
    result = "1, 2, or 3";
  case 4:
    result = "4 alone";

[JavaScript] Iterate

While Loops

var myArr = [];
var i = 0;

while(i < 5) {

For Loops

var myArr = [];

// for ([initialization]; [condition]; [final-expression])
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Iterate through an Array with a For Loop

var myArr = [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
var total = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < myArr.length; i++) {
    total += myArr[i];

Nesting For Loops

var myArr = [
  [1,2], [3,4], [5,6]

for (var i=0; i < myArr.length; i++) {
  for (var j=0; j < myArr[i].length; j++) {

For…In Loops

Iterate through all the keys within an object.

let users = {
  Max: {
    age: 27
  Mira: {
    age: 32
  Rich: {
    age: 48

for (let user in users) {
  console.log(user); // logs: Max, Mira, Rich
  if (users[user].age > 40) {
      console.log(`${user} is old.`);

Do…While Loops

A do...while loop ensures that the code inside the loop will run at least once.

var myArr = [];
var i = 0;
do {
} while (i < 5);

Replace Loops using Recursion

/* For Loop */
function multiply(arr, n) {
   var product = 1;
   for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       product *= arr[i];
   return product;

/* Replace For Loop with Recursion */
function multiply(arr, n) {
   if (n <= 0) {
     return 1;
   } else {
     return multiply(arr, n - 1) * arr[n - 1];

Note: Recursive functions must have a base case when they return without calling the function again (in this example, when n <= 0), otherwise they can never finish executing.

/* Count to n */
function countup(n) {
  if (n < 1) {
    return [];
  } else {
    const countArray = countup(n - 1);
    return countArray;

console.log(countup(5)); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

Note: The push happens last, after the recursive call has returned. Thats why the value of n decreases, but the values in the final array are increasing.

/* Create a Range of Numbers */
function rangeOfNumbers(startNum, endNum) {
  if (startNum == endNum) {
    return [startNum];
  } else if (startNum < endNum) {
    const rangeArray = rangeOfNumbers(startNum + 1, endNum);
    return rangeArray;

console.log(rangeOfNumbers(5, 10)); // [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ]

[JavaScript] Functions

/* Basic Function */
function reusableFunction() {
  console.log("Hello World");

/* Passing Values to Functions with Arguments */
function functionWithArgs(arg1, arg2 ) {
    console.log(arg1 + arg2);
functionWithArgs(1, 2); //returns 3

/* Global vs. Local Scope in Functions 
It is possible to have both local and global variables with the same name. 
When you do this, the local variable takes precedence over the global variable. */
var outerWear = "T-Shirt";
function myOutfit() {
  var outerWear = "sweater"
  return outerWear;
myOutfit(); //returns "sweater"

[JavaScript] Comparsion Operators

/* Equality Operator (type conversion / type coercion) */
1   ==  1   // true
1   ==  2   // false
1   == '1'  // true
"3" ==  3   // true

/* Strict Equality Operator (no type conversion) */
3 ===  3   // true
3 === '3'  // false

/* Inequality Operator (type conversion) */
1 !=  2     // true
1 != "1"    // false
1 != '1'    // false
1 != true   // false
0 != false  // false

/* Strict Inequality Operator (no type conversion) */
3 !==  3   // false
3 !== '3'  // true
4 !==  3   // true

/*Greater Than Operator (type conversion) */
5   >  3   // true
7   > '3'  // true
2   >  3   // false
'1' >  9   // false

/* Greater Than Or Equal To Operator (type conversion) */ 
6   >=  6   // true
7   >= '3'  // true
2   >=  3   // false
'7' >=  9   // false

/* Less Than Operator (type conversion) */
2   < 5  // true
'3' < 7  // true
5   < 5  // false
3   < 2  // false
'8' < 4  // false

/* Less Than Or Equal To Operator (type conversion) */
4   <= 5  // true
'7' <= 7  // true
5   <= 5  // true
3   <= 2  // false
'8' <= 4  // false

[JavaScript] Working with strings

/* Escape Sequences in Strings 
Code	Output                   
\'	single quote
\"	double quote
\\	backslash
\n	newline
\r	carriage return
\t	tab
\b	word boundary
\f	form feed               */

var firstStr = 'I come first. '
var secondStr = 'I come second.'

/* Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator */
var myStr = firstStr + secondStr;

/* Concatenating Strings with the Plus Equals Operator */
var myStr = firstStr;
myStr += secondStr;

/* Bracket Notation to Find the First Character */
var firstName = "Carlos";
var firstLetter = firstName[0]; // firstLetter is "C"
var firstName[0] = "K";         // not possible! Individual characters of a string literal cannot be changed.

/* Bracket Notation to Find the Last Character in a String */
var firstName = "Carlos";
var lastLetter = firstName[firstName.length - 1]; // lastLetter is "s"

/* Split a string into an array of substrings */
var str = "How are you doing today?";
var res = str.split(" ");  // [ 'How', 'are', 'you', 'doing', 'today?' ]
var otherString = "How9are7you2today";
var byDigits = otherString.split(/\d/); // ["How", "are", "you", "today"]

/* Array of strings to single string */
var stringArray = [ 'How', 'are', 'you', 'doing', 'today?' ];
var str = stringArray.join(" "); // "How are you doing today?"

/* Check if a string ends with "universe." */
var str = "Hello world, welcome to the universe.";
var n = str.endsWith("universe.");

/* Lower & Upper Case */
console.log('ALPHABET'.toLowerCase()); // 'alphabet'
console.log('alphabet'.toUpperCase()); // 'ALPHABET'
console.log('test'.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + 'test'.slice(1)); // Test

/* reverse String */
let str = "test";
let reverseStr = str.split("").reverse().join(""); // tset

[JavaScript] Subtract month from date in format yyyyMMdd

//Input String yyyymmdd
var date_string = '20200101'

//Create date object
var oDate = new Date(date_string.substr(0, 4), date_string.substr(4, 2), date_string.substr(6, 2))

oDate.setMonth(oDate.getMonth() - 1)

var year = oDate.getFullYear().toString()
var month = oDate.getMonth().toString()
var day = oDate.getDay().toString()

//Add leading zero's
if (month.length === 1 ) {
	month = '0' + month
if (day.length === 1 ) {
	day = '0' + day

//Return string: 20191201
var sDate =  year + month + day

[SAPUI5] uncheck checkbox if another one is selected


<Checkbox id="Checkbox1" selected="{ path:'oModel>CB1' }" select="handleOrderSelected"></Checkbox>	
<Checkbox id="Checkbox2" selected="{ path:'oModel>CB2' }" select="handleRejectSelected"></Checkbox>


	handleOrderSelected: function (oEvent) {
		//Wenn Checkbox1 selektiert, setze Checkbox2 auf false.
		var bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
		if (bSelected) {
			var bindingContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("oModel");
			this.oModelTemplate.setProperty("CB2", "", bindingContext, false);

	handleRejectSelected: function (oEvent) {
		//Wenn Checkbox2 selektiert, setze Checkbox1 auf false.
		var bSelected = oEvent.getParameter("selected");
		if (bSelected) {
			var bindingContext = oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext("oModel");
			this.oModelTemplate.setProperty("CB1", "", bindingContext, false);