After upgrading to LineageOS 17.1 I wasn’t able to play any audio via bluetooth connection from my Xiaomi Mi 8.
To fix this issue, just go to developer options and disable Bluetooth-AD2P-Hardware-Offload
and reboot your phone.

After upgrading to LineageOS 17.1 I wasn’t able to play any audio via bluetooth connection from my Xiaomi Mi 8.
To fix this issue, just go to developer options and disable Bluetooth-AD2P-Hardware-Offload
and reboot your phone.
Install the Android Debug Bridge (ADB)
# check if device is found
adb devices
# reboot into sideload modus
adb reboot sideload
Or manually boot into TWRP recovery, holding Volume Up + Power when the phone is off. Navigate to Advanced
-> ADB Sideload
Update MIUI Firmware
If your current MIUI Firmware does not support Android 10, you have to update it first.
Download the newest MIUI Firmware for your device from
Flash the new Firmware via TWRP or via ADB sideload.
adb sideload Downloads/
Download and flash new LineageOS image
I’m using the LineageOS fork LineageOS for microG. Download it from here: (MI 8 = dipper)
The upgrade steps are the same as for the official rom: In my case only flashing the new image.
adb sideload Downloads/
Update 11.05.2020: I recommend using the PiVPN script (especially when using a unprivileged container).
In the F-Droid Store you’ll find the wireguard android app.
To get wireguard running, add a new peer to your server. So ssh into your sever (in my case an lxc on proxmox) and create a new key pair.
wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey > publickey
Now create the android.conf. Define the interface and add your server as peer.
PrivatKey = <android_privat_key>
Address =
PublicKey = <server_public_key>
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint =
PersistentKeepalive = 25
Then add the new android peer to the server config.
PublicKey = <android_public_key>
AllowedIPs =
Now restart the wireguard interface to load the new config:
wg-quick down wg0
wg-quick up wg0
The fastest way to get your config on the android client is using a QR-Code. I used greencode for this.
apt install greencode
qrencode -t ansiutf8 < android.conf
Open your wireguard app, scan the QR-Code and connect to your server.