Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~

[ABAP] REDUCE as an alternative to line_exists for the use of other comparison operators such as >, <, >=, <=, CS, CN

By using line_exists you can check if a line exists or not exists, but it is not possible to use other comparison operators. A workaround can be REDUCE in that case.

In the following snippet, we want to check if there is a flight that costs more than $1000,

SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(flights).

* Check if flight with price > 1000 exist
IF REDUCE abap_bool( INIT price_gt_1000 = abap_false
                     FOR  line IN flights WHERE ( price > 1000 )
                     NEXT price_gt_1000 = abap_true ) EQ abap_true.
  " flight with price > 1000 exists


Easy way to loop over multiple tables of the same type, without having to create an additional table to join the data before the loop.

SELECT FROM spfli FIELDS * WHERE carrid EQ 'AA' INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_spfli_1).

SELECT FROM spfli FIELDS * WHERE carrid EQ 'AZ' INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_spfli_2).

LOOP AT VALUE spfli_tab( ( LINES OF lt_spfli_1 )
                         ( LINES OF lt_spfli_2 )
                         ( carrid = 'AV' ) ) ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<spfli>).
 WRITE <spfli>-carrid.

Got this snippet from George Drakos talk from the ABAPConf 2024. Check his Github.