If you have connected any workflows to a pernr via BUS1065 (like it is described here), you can receive all related workflows/workitems related to this pernr via the following code:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 | NEW cl_def_im_com_bsp_workflow( )->if_ex_com_bsp_workflow~read_workitems_for_object( EXPORTING iv_swo_objtype = 'BUS1065' iv_swo_objkey = CONV #( lv_pernr ) IMPORTING et_workitems = DATA (lt_workitems) ). LOOP AT lt_workitems ASSIGNING FIELD - SYMBOL (<workitems>). "If you are only interested in specific workflows, you could filter here "WHERE wi_rh_task = 'WSxxxxxxxx' "AND wi_stat = 'STARTED'. NEW /iwwrk/cl_wf_read_workitem( <workitems>-wi_id )->get_wi_container( IMPORTING et_wi_container = DATA (lt_wi_container) ). " access container items via lt_wi_container[ element = 'IV_PERNR' ]-value ENDLOOP . |