Homelab, Linux, JS & ABAP (~˘▾˘)~


I recently had to rewrite a Report where I saw code that looked similar to this.


  BEGIN OF ty_employee,
    vorna TYPE vorna,
    nachn TYPE nachn,
  END OF ty_employee,
  tt_employee TYPE TABLE OF ty_employee WITH DEFAULT KEY,

  BEGIN OF ty_source,
    col1 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col2 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col3 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col4 TYPE c LENGTH 2,
  END OF ty_source,
  tt_source TYPE TABLE OF ty_source WITH DEFAULT KEY,

  BEGIN OF ty_target,
    col1       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col2       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col3       TYPE c LENGTH 2,
    col4_vorna TYPE vorna,
    col5_nachn TYPE nachn,
  END OF ty_target,
  tt_target TYPE TABLE OF ty_target WITH DEFAULT KEY.

* Test employees
DATA(employees) = VALUE tt_employee( ( vorna = 'Max'   nachn = 'Mustermann' )
                                     ( vorna = 'Erika' nachn = 'Mustermann' ) ).

* In reallity, this table changed per employee
DATA(source_tab) = VALUE tt_source( ( col1 = 'a1' col2 = 'b1' col3 = 'c1' col4 = 'd1' )
                                    ( col1 = 'a2' col2 = 'b2' col3 = 'c2' col4 = 'd2' )
                                    ( col1 = 'a3' col2 = 'b3' col3 = 'c3' col4 = 'd3' ) ).

* Actual logic
DATA target_line TYPE ty_target.
DATA target_tab1 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO DATA(employee).
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO DATA(source_line).
    CLEAR target_line.
    target_line-col4_vorna = employee-vorna.
    target_line-col5_nachn = employee-nachn.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING source_line TO target_line.
    APPEND target_line TO target_tab1.

cl_demo_output=>write( employees ).
cl_demo_output=>write( source_tab  ).
cl_demo_output=>write( target_tab1  ).
cl_demo_output=>display( ).

I spend some time thinking, how I could improve the actual logic by using some “new” ABAP syntax elements. I came up with the following result.

DATA target_tab2 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  target_tab2 = VALUE #( BASE CORRESPONDING #( target_tab2 )
                         FOR line IN source_tab (
                          VALUE #( BASE CORRESPONDING #( line )
                           col4_vorna = employee-vorna
                           col5_nachn = employee-nachn ) ) ).

But I must say, that in this case I prefer using nested LOOP’s like this

DATA target_tab3 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO source_line.
    DATA(t_line)      = CORRESPONDING ty_target( source_line ).
    t_line-col4_vorna = employee-vorna.
    t_line-col5_nachn = employee-nachn.
    APPEND t_line TO target_tab3.

or this

DATA target_tab4 TYPE tt_target.

LOOP AT employees INTO employee.
  LOOP AT source_tab INTO source_line.
                    col4_vorna = employee-vorna
                    col5_nachn = employee-nachn ) TO target_tab4.

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